What animal does Amir compare Hassan to?
A lamb
Who convinced Amir to come back to Afghanistan?
Rahim Khan
Why was Farid Hostile towards Amir?
Because he thought that Amir was a rich, self-righteous Afghan person who only came back for selfish reasons
Where does Sohrab put his slingshot
In his pants/pockets
How many times was Ali married?
What did Amir throw at Hassan under the tree at Amir's house?
How did Amir redeem himself?
He went to save Sohrab and risked the safety of his life in America
How does Amir meet Farid?
Farid was Amir's driver to Kabul
How did Sohrab end up in the hospital after being rescued? (hint: 2nd time)
He tried to commit suicide in the motel tub
Why does Soraya have a scorned reputation?
She ran away with a man without her parent’s blessing and got into trouble
How did Hassan die?
A young Talib shot him for being in Amir's house
What did Baba say he was worried about Amir’s personality when he was a young boy?
He was worried that Amir would grow up to be a man who can’t stick up for himself or anything
Who did Amir and Farid go to visit before going to find Sohrab?
Farid's brother, Wahid
What does Sohrab call Hassan's mother (his grandmother)?
Who knew about the secret of Hassan’s heritage?
Rahim Khan, Baba, Ali, Sanaubar
What fear of Hassan's came true? (hint: he wrote it in his letter to Amir)
He left his child, Sohrab, an orphan
Why does Amir laugh when Assef beats him?
He feels like he is finally getting the karma he has been longing for all this time.
Who did Farid beat up in Kabul and why did he stop?
The orphanage director, Zaman - He didn’t want the children to see
What is the name of the couple that is supposed to adopt Sohrab?
What’s Amir’s mother’s name?
Sophia Akrami
What is Hassan's wife's name?
What dream did Hassan share with Amir the morning of the kite flying incident
The alleged monster
How does Farid redeem himself?
He helps Amir find and save Sohrab, takes Amir to the hospital when he is injured, etc.
What is the name of the book Sohrab’s name came from
the Shahnamah
Where did General Taheri and his family live before California?