What current Redmond FFA Officer is running for Oregon State FFA Office?
What is... Austin Evans
What Central Oregon District CDE is held at RHS?
What is... Shop Skills
Where is Oregon FFA State Convention held?
What is... Deschutes County Fairgrounds
Who wrote the FFA Creed?
What is... E.M. Tiffany
What is the name of the National FFA Magazine?
What is... FFA New Horizons
List all current Redmond FFA officers
Emilee Lindquist, Carson Castrow, Grace Stott, Austin Evans, Alexis Rivera, Brynn Capps, Lily Williams and Alyssa Chavez
Who is the Central Oregon District Advisor and his chapter?
What is... Dan McNary, Crook County
When is the 2023 Oregon State FFA Convention? (All dates included)
What is... March 16-9th
Where is National FFA Convention held?
What is... Indianapolis, Indiana
What are ALL the levels of degrees a member can receive?
What is... Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter, State, American
What Redmond FFA CDE team competed at the National FFA contest in 2022?
What is.. Livestock Judging Team
What previous Central Oregon District Officer is a current Oregon FFA State Officer and their position?
What is... Maddie Dollarhide, Secretary
Who are all of the current Oregon FFA State officers?
What is... Grant Hills, Kinsley Kemble, Maddie Dollarhid, Brekkan Richardson, Jessie Samarin, Uriel Aguilar Torres
What Central Oregon District officer recently served as a national officer, and their chapter?
What is... Josiah Cruikshank - Bend
Who was the first female National officer?
What is... Julie Smiley
When did Redmond FFA become a chapter?
What is... 1929
How many chapters are a part of the Central Oregon District?
What is... 8
How many districts are in Oregon FFA?
What is... 12
In what year was the FFA Creed adopted?
What is... 1930
Who was the first National FFA President?
What is.. Leslie Applegate
Who is the Deschutes County FFA Sportsmanship Award in honor of?
What is... Nick Pickering
Where is Central Oregon District Leadership Camp held?
What is... Crystal Springs Camp
Who is the Oregon FFA CEO?
What is... Phil Ward
What is the name of the national program that gifts FFA jackets to new members?
What is... Give the Gift of Blue
What is Ms. Pullers High School mascot?
What is... Cougars