Aluminum soda cans
Yes! Aluminum is infinitely recyclable
Soda bottles, water bottles, and energy drink cans
How long has curbside recycling been around in the United States:
A. 150 years
B. 1,500 years
C. 50 years
C. 50 years
What word means to break something down into components that can be used in other products?
True or False: Americans recycle everything that could be recycled each year.
False, Americans recycle less than half of what is recyclable each year.
Plastic soda bottles
Yes! Plastic bottles are made of rigid plastic, which can be recycled
Dinner leftovers
Which material do we know Romans used to recycled from broken bottles and jars by melting down into new objects nearly 2000 years ago?
What is the belief that it is good and desirable to obtain new and more things?
To cut back on the amount of waste we generate in this country, Americans should:
A. Reuse products whenever we can rather than throw them out after one use
B. Recycle more of the plastic, glass, metal, and other products we use rather than put them in a landfill
C. Reduce the amount of waste we consume in the first place
D. All of these things!
D. All of these things!
Yes! Concrete can be broken down to make new concrete.
Chip bags, snack wrappers, and plastic toy packaging
What material did the earliest humans recycle more than 1 million years ago to make new tools and weapons?
What is a person called when they are concerned with or advocate for the protection of the environment, and in extension, planet.
An environmentalist
How much waste did Americans generate in the year 2018:
A. 200 pounds
B. 200 tons
C. 292 million tons
C. 292 million tons!
Plastic bags
No! Plastic bags cost energy and fuel every year to be removed from recycling facilities
Computer paper, cardboard shipping boxes, and cereal boxes
Recycle and/or Compost
How long have humans been recycling our materials for:
A. 1.2 million years
B. 40 years
C. 2 years
A. 1.2 million years!
This is the word used for when people put things in the recycling bin that they hope can be recycled
What was the name of the recycling campaign launched by the government during World War II to try to reduce and recycle scarce resources?
Salvage for Victory campaign
Motor oil
Yes! Motor oil can be refined and recycled
Upcycle and/or Recycle
What plant-based material do we know Japanese people reused to make new surfaces for writing and art almost 1000 years ago?
What means to carefully manage the use of a resource so it is not wasted or entirely used up?
Which material do we recycle best in the US:
A. Plastic
B. Paper
C. Rubber
B. Paper