This team of over 500 people in Leeds and Pittsburgh is focused on improving the way we deliver services around the world.
What is the Global Solutions Team?
Over the years, this lucky Princeton partner has accumulated more Reed Smith tchotchkes than only Casey Ryan.
Who is Diane Bettino?
In the mid-1800s, the stagecoach was a vital part of this client’s supply chain – not to mention its branding years later.
Who is Wells Fargo?
This partner is known firm-wide for their amazing karaoke skills.
Who are all three?
The 2007 merger with Richards Butler in the UK/EME added over 250 lawyers in London, Paris, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and this Olympian country.
What is Greece?
If liquefaction and regasification make you giddy, chances are you are a partner in this group.
What is ENR?