3 types of reefs
What is an atoll, barrier, fringing?
Coral reefs are found
What is in shallow, tropical water?
Close, long-term relationship between 2 species
What is symbiosis?
2 natural threats to reefs **200 points if tell me 3 threats**
What is: hurricanes, tsunamis, disease?
1 way coral reefs are important **200 points if tell me 3 ways**
What is: fisheries, tourism, medicine, chemical weapons?
Corals are made of these two biological organisms
What is polyp and algae (zooxanthellae)?
What is all over the world (poles to equator)?
A relationship where both species benefit (like cleaner fish and an eel) is called this
What is mutualism?
What % of reefs are "pristine" or unaffected by humans?
What is 0%?
5 examples of animals/plants you'd find on a reef
What is: sharks/rays, fishes, dolphins, octopus, eels, sea slugs, clams, turtles, starfish, algae, etc.?
Coral's hard skeletons are made of this
What is calcium carbonate?
Why coral reefs need shallow, clear water
What is: for photosynthesis?
Some species of lice attach themselves to larger fish, turtles, and mammals and feed off their bodily fluids. The lice gets nutrition but the larger species is negatively impacted and sometimes dies. This relationship is called
What is parasitism?
What is: overfishing, sedimentation, excess nutrients, shipping/oil spills, collecting, tourism, climate change?
Coral reefs are among the most biodiverse ecosystems, meaning...
What is: high variation of life and those species' genetics on a reef?
A reef surrounding a volcano where the volcano has collapsed and is totally submerged is called this
What is an atoll?
Why are coral reefs in areas with strong wave action?
What is: replenish O and nutrients, reduce sedimentation?
Some small crabs live in anemones. The crabs get a home while the anemone is not harmed nor benefited. This relationship is called
What is commensalism?
Definition of coral bleaching
What is: loss of photosynthetic algae (zooxanthellae)?
Explain 2 effects of climate change on coral reefs
What is: increasing water temps (bleaching), changing ocean currents (larval settlement), sea level rise (reefs have to keep moving to stay in shallow water)?
A reef that is very close to shore is likely this type of reef
What is a fringing reef?
The oldest corals are found in the.... Hint: think about which ocean is the oldest!
What is the Pacific Ocean?
A virus enters the system of a turtle. The turtle is unaffected but the virus gets a home and free transportation. Eventually, the virus spreads too much and the turtle becomes sick. The two types of symbiosis here are..
What is commensalism & parasitism?
4 causes of coral bleaching
What is: UV radiation, warming water, stress, disease, pollution, salinity changes?