Describe: Pineapple
(Green- group
Blue- do
White eye- appearance
White- location)
Expected Description: Group: Fruit | Action: You can eat it | Appearance: Spiky outside, yellow inside | Origin: Grows on a tropical plant
The student was meticulous about her artwork, making sure every tiny detail was perfect. What does “meticulous” mean?
Very careful, detailed
The preview of the movie showed exciting action scenes before the film was officially released. What does “preview” mean?
A sneak peek before something happens (prefix: pre- = before)
You need to be at work at 8:00 AM. It takes 15 minutes to drive and 10 minutes to get ready. What time should you leave?
7:35 AM
Jake came home from school, threw his backpack on the floor, and let out a long sigh. He didn’t turn on the TV like he usually did. What can you infer about Jake?
He is feeling tired or upset.
Describe: Giraffe
(Green- group
Blue- do
White eye- appearance
White- location)
Expected Description: Group: Animal | Action: Walks and eats leaves | Appearance: Very tall, long neck, spots | Origin: Lives in Africa
The storm caused a tumult in the small town, knocking down trees and flooding streets. What does “tumult” mean?
A loud disturbance or chaos
The scientist made a miscalculation, which led to incorrect results. What does “miscalculation” mean?
A mistake in figuring something out (prefix: mis- = wrong)
You have soccer practice at 5:30 PM. It takes 20 minutes to drive there, and you need 10 minutes to pack your bag. What time should you start packing?
5:00 PM
Lisa’s alarm didn’t go off, and she rushed out of bed. She skipped breakfast, ran to the bus stop, and forgot her homework. What can you infer about Lisa’s morning?
She overslept and was in a hurry.
Describe: Volcano
(Green- group
Blue- do
White eye- appearance
White- location)
Expected Description: Group: Landform | Action: Can erupt | Appearance: Mountain with a hole at the top, lava inside | Origin: Formed by movement of the Earth's crust
The hikers were fatigued after climbing the steep mountain all day. What does “fatigued” mean?
Extremely tired
The hopeful student eagerly waited for her college acceptance letter. What does “hopeful” mean?
Full of hope (suffix: -ful = full of)
The movie starts at 7:15 PM. You need 25 minutes to drive there and 5 minutes to buy snacks. What time should you leave?
6:45 PM
The teacher handed back the graded tests. Mark looked at his paper, sighed, and put his head down on the desk. What can you infer?
He is disappointed with his grade.
Describe: Train
(Green- group
Blue- do
White eye- appearance
White- location)
Expected Description: Group: Vehicle | Action: Moves on tracks | Appearance: Long with many connected cars | Origin: Built in factories
After losing his wallet, Jason was in a dilemma—should he retrace his steps or call his bank? What does “dilemma” mean?
A difficult choice between two options
After the accident, the driver had to reconstruct the event for the police report. What does “reconstruct” mean?
To build again (prefix: re- = again)
Your bus arrives at 7:20 AM. You take 10 minutes to eat breakfast and 15 minutes to get dressed. What time should you wake up?
6:55 AM
After the championship game, the losing team walked off the field with their heads down, barely speaking to each other. What can you infer?
They are feeling sad or disappointed.
Describe: Snowflake
(Green- group
Blue- do
White eye- appearance
White- location)
Expected Description: Group: Weather phenomenon | Action: Falls from the sky | Appearance: Small, white, and has six points | Origin: Forms in clouds when water freezes
The scientist had to verify the results of the experiment to make sure they were correct. What does “verify” mean?
To confirm that something is true
The team’s victory was inevitable, as they had won every game so far. What does “inevitable” mean?
Certain to happen (prefix: in- = not, able = able to)
Your friend’s party starts at 3:00 PM. You need 30 minutes to get ready and 15 minutes to drive there. What time should you start getting ready?
2:15 PM
When Sarah opened her lunchbox, she frowned and sighed. She walked over to her friend and asked if she could have some of her food. What can you infer?
She forgot or didn’t like her lunch.