
What form should be sent home to parents to schedule a meeting?

Notice and Invitation to a Meeting


True or False: Reevaluation of a student should occur annually.

False, the AAC states that reevalautions for eligibility are required every three (3) years.


What color(s) indicates forms have been closed in SETS?

red indicates the form is completed and closed

purple indicates the form is completed and closed, but the form has been amended


What happens if a student was determined eligible and the parent did not consent to services at the time and one year later the parent wants the student to receive services? What should happen?

Reactivate the information in SETS, obtain a Notice and Consent for Provision of Special Education services form signed and move forward with developing an IEP.


What type of observation is utilized for reevaluations? 

BASC-SOS or classroom observation

classroom observation in suspected area of disability


What forms are utilized in the eligibility process?

Notice and Invitation to a Meeting

Notice of IEP Team's Decision Regarding Reevaluation

Notice and Consent for Reevaluation (if appropriate)

Notice and Eligibility Decision Regarding Special Education Services


A new eligibility report must be completed each time the student is considered for continued eligibility whether or not new data is requested.



What form is required for the reevaluation process that is not included in SETS?

Hint: This form is uploaded in the Documents section.


Minutes should be taken at all minutes, reviewed with the team, signed, and uploaded in SETS.


If the IEP team is holding an eligibility meeting only (no IEP or other topic will be addressed), is a Notice of Proposal or Refusal form required?

The Notice and Eligibility Decision Regarding Special Education Services form is sufficient. This form is a notice and, therefore, meeting the notice requirements.


Can a student be made eligible for Specific Learning Disability in Spelling or Math Fluency?

No, neither of these areas are listed in the criteria for SLD.


How many attempts must be documented to obtain consent for reevaluation?



Reevaluations for eligibility should be started ___ days in advance of the due date.



How does an LEA or a case manager know that a student's eligibility is due for reevaluation?

The psychometrist/psychologist sends out a biweekly report that indicates students who have an eligibility due by October 30th, 2019.

The IEP team leader may run a query in SETS to determine upcoming eligiblities that will be due.


If no additional data is needed, as determined by the team, previous information may be copied from the previous eligibility report. 

However, what area(s) should be updated?

Documentation of Appropriate Instruction (Prong I) and Documentation of Repeated Assessments and Notification (Prong II)


What is the age limit for a child to be considered eligible in the disability area of Developmental Delay (DD)?

A child may be determined eligible under the disability area DD at age three. A child identified with DD must be reevaluated prior to his/her 9th birthday to determine continued eligibility for special education services.


True or False: The two documented attempts to hold the meeting can be used as the two documented attempts to obtain consent for evaluation.



Once you have consent for reevaluation, the reevaluation packet should be mailed to Psychological Services within ___ days.

FIVE (5)


Will all students who receive services under Developmental Delay show on the upcoming reevaluation list?

Not necessarily, some students will be turning 9 and the eligibility is not due before his/her 9th birthday. The psychometrist/psychologist will include a separate report on the biweekly reports that indicate students who will need to be reevaluated prior to his/her 9th birthday.


What are the three options (ways) to determine a child is eligible for Specific Learning Disability?

Option 1:Response to Intervention

Option 2: Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses

Option 3: Severe Discrepancy


How do you document parent participation in a meeting by phone?

On the parent signature line of the form, write "parent participated by phone."


True or False: A description of other options attempted on forms must be completed.

TRUE. N/A is NOT an acceptable response.  Other options that were considered and reasons why it was rejected must be written.


Do all students who are approaching his/her 9th birthday and receiving services under Developmental Delay have to be evaluated?

Yes, an evaluation needs to be conducted to determine eligibility for another exceptionality.


Who should you contact if you are having difficulties with SETS? :)

Robin West or Karen Bumpers :)


Do all three questions on the eligibility report have to be marked 'yes' to be eligible for special education services?


Does the student meet AAC criteria for the suspected area of disability?

Does the disability have an adverse affect on educational performance?

Does the student need specially designed instruction in order to access and partcipate in the general education curriculum?


What team members should be invited to an IEP meeting to discuss reevaluation/eligibility?

The IEP team is composed of the following (at minimum):

parent, regular education teacher, special education teacher, LEA representative, someone who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results
