Which Referral Ops Team has the most Owls?
Medical Center Specialist (Aura)
What primary ways does an Eagle influence others?
Assertiveness, insistence, competition
What primary ways does a Parrot influence others?
Charm, optimism, energy
What primary ways does an Owl influence others?
Logic, exacting standards
What primary ways does a Dove influence others?
Accommodating others, consistent performance
Which Referral Ops Team has the most Doves?
Tie- Medical Referral Pool and Mental Health (Bernie)
What are some things an Eagle fears?
Being taken advantage of or appearing weak
What are some things a Parrot fears?
Rejection, not being heard
What are some things an Owl fears?
Being wrong, strong displays of emotion
What are some things a Dove fears?
Letting people down, rapid change
Which Referral Ops Team has the most Parrots?
RAH Specialist (La Nessa)
What are some characteristics an Eagle overuses?
The need to win, resulting in win/lose situation
What are some characteristics a Parrot overuses?
Optimism, praise
What are some characteristics an Owl overuses?
Analysis, restraint
What are some characteristics a Dove overuses?
Modesty, passive resistance, compromise
Which Referral Ops Team has the most Eagles?
Tie- RAH Specialist and Mental Health (La Nessa/Bernie)
How could an Eagle increase effectiveness?
Patience, empathy
How could a Parrot increase effectiveness?
Being more objective, following through on tasks
How could an Owl increase effectiveness?
Acknowledging others’ feelings, looking beyond data
How could a Dove increase effectiveness?
Displaying self-confidence, revealing true feelings