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How can I become a student employee at the library?

Refer to: Shelby or Laura or direct them to the student employee interest form. 


I think the library should add a copy of "The Hobbit" to it's collection

Refer to: Purchase recommendation form (Services-->Purchas Recommendations)

Also search our catalog as we may have access through Overdrive/Libby for the e-book or audiobook. 


I can't remember my password for Brightspace.

Refer to: IMT helpdesk at or 4-4115.


I need help with the citations for my paper.

Refer to: On-call librarian; if you can't get them on the phone, take a message and let the patron know someone will get back to them. 


Can you help me find my way back to the hospital?

Refer to: Printed step by step directions to the hospital are located in the file holder by the pillar to the right of the circulation desk. 


I am a student home for break, can I use the library to study?

Refer to: Visitor Appointment Request Form (Information For-->Visitors).


I would like to reserve one of the rooms on the 3rd floor for the semester. 

Refer to: Long Term Study Room Form (About-->Study Rooms; link is in the Silent Study Rooms section)

Before sending them to the form, inform them of the policy: PhD candidates working on their comprehensive exams or dissertation may request a room for up to 16 week. 


Chat question: I need help finding articles on Hereditary Cancer Genetic Testing.

Refer to: On call librarian; let the patron know you are referring them to the on call librarian; click the envelope button in the upper right hand corner of the chat window and email transcript to 


Our student club would like to have a fundraiser in the library.

Refer to: Tabling Request From (About-->Policies & Guidelines-->Tabling & Events Guidelines. 

The projector in Room 224F is not working. 

Refer to: Ed Comm; they manage the computer classrooms and the equipment inside. Call Jeff Wessel or Adam Weisblatt. If they are not available, call Ed Comm AV support at 4-5780.


Can you tell me where the Upstate bookstore is?

Refer to: Upstate no longer has a physical bookstore on campus. Provide the online bookstore url:


I'm having trouble accessing UpToDate.

Refer to: Michelle Bowers can help with this. If you can't get her on the phone, take a message with patron name, email, and phone number and let them know Michelle will be in touch. Email with the request. 


My mom was just diagnosed with colon cancer. I'd like to do some research on what to expect and how to help her manage her illness. 

Refer to: Sarah Lawler is our Clinical Outreach Librarian and handles all questions from the public about consumer health. Give her a call to connect her with the patron. If you can't get ahold of her on the phone, get name, phone number, and email from the patron and let them know she will reach out to them. Send Sarah a Teams message or email with the request.  


I need to renew my Open Athens account. 

Refer to: Laura; if Laura is not available, send a message to with patron's name and contact information.


I need to use GraphPad Prism. 

Refer to: Ed Comm--Jeff Wessel or Adam Weisblatt in the computer lab.


My ILL book was due last week, but I still need it!

Refer to: Angela or Stephanie, our ILL staff. If you can't get ahold of either of them on the phone, take a message with patron name, book title, and contact info and email with the message.


I'd like to book 318 for a review session. 

Refer to: Ed Comm; the link to reserve a classroom is at the top of their page:


Is there someone available to read the draft of my paper and provide feedback?

Refer to: Writing Center. The Writing Center no longer has a physical presence on campus. Policies and contact information can be found at:


I lost my ID, how do I get a new one?

Refer to: Payroll office, located on the first floor of Jacobson Hall. 


I am applying to grad school and need a copy of my transcript. 

Refer to: Registrar/Student Records (


I'm proctoring an exam in the library on Saturday. Will I be able to enter the library when it's closed?

Refer to: Laura or Shelby to check if they have been given After Hours access.


I heard Upstate has a food pantry. Can you tell me about that?

Refer to: Student Success in Room 130. Paley's Pantry is managed by the the staff in Student Success and they can provide info on policies and procedures for accessing the food pantry.


I'm from the local news station and I'd like to film a story in the library. 

Refer to: Laura, Shelby, or in their absence Rebecca Kindon, our director.


I'd like to view the 1989 yearbook.

Refer to: Elise is our Archivist; if you can't get her on the phone, take a message and email 


Someone went through an emergency exit door and the alarm is going off.

Refer to: Any full time staff member (Monica, Deidre, Shelby or Laura) can reset the alarm. If none are available you will have to call Public Safety.
