Conjugar I for 100
tú - ducharse
te duchas
Conjugar II for 100
yo - levantarse
me levanto
Conjugar III for 100
yo - cepillarse
me cepillo
Definiciones for 100
to get up
Facts about Reflexive Verbs for 100
What is the grammatical name of the -se that we attach to the end of verbs?
Reflexive pronoun
Conjugar I for 200
nosotros - bañarse
nos bañamos
Conjugar II for 200
Luis y Juan - prepararse
se preparan
Conjugar III for 200
Carlos y Juan - despertarse
se despiertan
Definiciones for 200
to wake up
Facts about Reflexive Verbs for 200
True or False: Reflexive verbs are used when the agent performing a verb receives the action of the verb.
Conjugar I for 300
Ud. - afeitarse
se afeita
Conjugar II for 300
la amiga - vestirse
se viste
Conjugar III for 300
Ana - acostarse
se acuesta
Definiciones for 300
to get ready
Facts about Reflexive Verbs for 200
True or False: When you do something to someone or something else, like giving a dog a bath, this IS an example of reflexive verbs.
Conjugar I for 400
ella - despertarse
se despierta
Conjugar II for 400
Miguel y yo - ponerse
nos ponemos
Conjugar III for 400
tú - secarse
te secas
Definiciones for 400
to brush one's teeth
cepillarse los dientes
Facts about Reflexive Verbs for 400
After conjugating a reflexive verb, where do you place the reflexive pronoun?
In front of the verb / In the front
Conjugar I for 500
yo - ponerse
me pongo
Conjugar II for 500
ellas - acostarse
se acuestan
Conjugar III for 500
Uds. - vestirse
se visten
Definiciones for 500
to fall asleep
Facts about Reflexive Verbs for 500
After putting 'se' in your pocket, what step comes next?