Why did education need reform?
It was not offered to everyone
What is the word that means the right to vote?
People who want to get rid of slavery are called
Why were unions formed?
Better working conditions
What was the name of the "position" in charge of the underground railroad?
The idea of educating everyone was called
Public education
Who were the first leaders of the women's rights movement?
Elizabeth Cady Staton or Lucrita Mott
This abolitionist published a paper called "The Liberator"
William Lloyd Garrison
Where (what kind of workplace) did unions form?
Who was the most successful conductor?
Harriet Tubman
Who put the idea of the common school movement into action?
Horace Mann
The first convention for women's rights was called
Seneca Falls Convention
These sisters witnessed the cruelty of slavery on their plantation.
Grimke sisters, Sarah and Angelina
Sarah Bagley
What did the word underground mean?
Prudence Crandall addressed what issue in education?
Women's Rights organizer who believed violating the law would get them attention and voted in 1872
Susan B. Anthony
A powerful abolitionist that was born a slave who delivered the message that all people deserved the same rights as black men
Sojourner Truth
To walk out in protest is called a
How many people did Harriet Tubman save?
300 plus
What was the name of the person who supported reform for the mentally ill?
Dorothea Dix
How did women finally get the right to vote?
19th Amendment in 1920
The end of slavery is called
The Second Great Awakening was about what?
Reason and logic were applied to religion and society
Since the underground railroad moved at night what did they use to guide them?
North Star