This man nailed the 95 Thesis to the church door.
Who is Luther?
This place saw the development of Anglicanism.
What is England?
Luther defied this guy's authority.
Who is the Pope?
John Calvin was originally from...
Geneva is a major reformation center here. They also had a civil war between their 13 cantons.
What is Switzerland?
What were indulgences?
Documents that supposedly you could pay for for forgiveness of sins.
This guy had 6 wives.
Who is Henry the 8th?
Luther was from...
What is Germany?
Calvin said that the heart was an ______ factory.
What is idol?
Who is Johann Tetzel?
Charles V was the leader of the...
What is the Holy Roman Empire?
Henry VIII ruled by __________________ right theory---that he only had to answer to God.
What is divine?
This man was a church official who hated Anne Boleyn.
Who is Cromwell?
Philip II of ________ sent ships to invade Elizabeth I's England.
What is Spain?
This is the belief that men ware saved by grace alone.
What is sola gratia?