This man wrote 95 Theses criticizing the Catholic church
Who is Martin Luther?
This imperial land was the battleground for Austria, Spain, France, and Sweden
What is the Holy Roman Empire?
Someone with uncommon and harmful beliefs
What is a heretic?
Martin Luther published his 95 Theses in this year
What is 1517?
"Give us money and we'll get your Granny into heaven!" is an example of this.
What is an indulgence?
This man wrote a fiery condemnation of Luther and his followers
Who is Pope Leo X?
This tiny land was eager to leave the Catholic Church, which the Habsburgs wanted to defeat
What is Bavaria?
To go upward
What is ascend?
Bavaria rose up against their new Habsburg ruler in this year
What is 1618?
This powerful Catholic family was the true enemy of France
Who are the Habsburgs?
This man invented the printing press
Who is Johannes Gutenberg?
This was a Catholic land which sided with the Protestants
What is France?
To advocate, to speak on someones behalf
What is intercession?
In this year, Pope Leo X wrote Exsurge Domine
What is 1520?
Pope Leo X asked these two saints for a very big favor
Who are Ss. Peter and Paul?
These are the people who rejected the Catholic Church and embraced a new form of Christianity
Who are Protestants?
Pope Leo X lived in this city
What is Rome?
(Vatican City became independent of Italy in 1929)
To make sacred, to bless
What is consecrate?
Europe finally concluded the 30 Years War in this year
What is 1648?
This door now closes gently
What is the door to Mrs. Schad's room?
He took over the lands of Bavaria
Who is Ferdinand von Habsburg II?
Austria sided with this country to fight their fellow Catholics in France
What is Spain?
This means, "Arise, Lord" in Latin
What is Exsurge Domine?
Spain and Austria finally put down the Bavarian rebellion in this year
What is 1625?
How long was the Thirty Years War?
What is Thirty Years!