Protestant Reformers
European Exploration
Reactions and stuff
Effects of Exploration
Variety (surprise)
Can be explained as a person who has made "an important or significant change" (particularly in history)
What is a reformer?
Defined as "the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over newly acquired land" (thinking your empire should take over other lands and then make the rules for them)
What is imperialism?
Not really a reaction....but this is the word that describes when you think that your race or nation is superior to other races or nations.
What is ethnocentrism?
This is the name given to the "global transfer of food, plants, and animals during the colonization of the America's". Hint: named after explorer responsible for this global exchange...
What is the Columbian Exchange?
This is the name given to the 2nd stage of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Involved shipping slaves from West Africa to The Caribbeans.
What is the Middle Passage?
This is a government controlled by religious leaders (Geneva was one).
What is a theocracy?
Spanish explorer who "discovered" The Caribbeans; leading to colonization of the America's
Who is Christopher Columbus?
This the name of the labor system used by Spanish explorers when they forced Native Americans to work for them
What is encomienda?
This 3-stage trade network involved shipping goods and slaves to and from Europe, West Africa, and The Caribbeans
What is the Triangle Trade Network? Or Transatlantic Slave Trade?
Spanish explorer who conquered the Inca empire; colonized South America
Who is Francisco Pizarro?
Wrote the 95 Theses (also started his own church)
Who is Martin Luther?
Nationalism, Economics, and Religious rivalries played a major role in European Exploration. You remember these as the 3 G's...
What is God, Gold, and Glory?
This is how Asian societies reacted to European Exploration.
What is isolation? (no outsiders policy, closed country policy; didn't want to share ideas with Europeans; unimpressed)
This effect from European Exploration can be seen today? (think about products, goods, culture)
What is global interaction?
This is theory that an empire or nation's power is based directly on their wealth.
What is mercantilism?
Followed in Martin Luther's footsteps (leader of Geneva, a theocratic state)
Who is John Calvin?
The Spanish explorer responsible for colonizing present-day Mexico. He also conquered the Aztec empire.
Who is Hernando Cortes?
The Cajun culture and Spanish terms such as Las Vegas, Los Angeles, El Paso, etc. that can be seen today in the U.S.
What is an effect of Spanish and French exploration and colonization in present-day U.S.?
This effect of the Transatlantic Slave Trade did this to African societies and culture?
What is devastated African societies and culture?
Because of their lack of interaction with European Explorers, this effect can still be seen in Asian societies (Well, China and Japan).
What is not reliant on outside world?
The impact of Protestant reformers can be seen today.
What is the reason that we have so many church denominations?
These allowed Europeans to explore more and farther...(must know at least 2 things)
What is an astrolabe (instrument used to determine latitude)? Who is a cartographer (person who made maps)? What is bigger and better ships? What is weaponry to defend from pirates?
Official name given to the revolution that happened as a result of colonization in the America's and dramatic growth of overseas trade
What is the Commercial Revolution?
Colonies such as Haiti and Barbados probably would've never made it if it weren't this.... (This is an ________ of ___________)
What is an effect of African slavery in the America's?
The Portugese did this to South American natives and their land when they arrived...
What is destroyed their forests, enslaved native inhabitants, and built large sugar plantations?