What kind of voice should you use in the library?
Quiet voices or Whisper voices
Name of the blue cat who wears white shoes.
Pete the Cat!
What are the two main types (genres) of books in our library?
Fiction and Non-fiction
How many kids does Mrs. G have?
It is a good idea to let your friend borrow your library book.
How many books can you check out at one time?
4th - two
5th - three
Name of the crime fighting dog who stars in his own comic book.
Dog Man
What is the section of the library called that has COMIC BOOK style books?
The Graphic Novel Section
What is Mrs. G's favorite animal?
It's okay to eat or drink in the library.
Where do you go sit once you have entered the library?
The Big Blue Carpet
A scary purple coloring device.
Creepy Crayon
What are the two types of fiction books we have in the library?
E - Everybody Picture Books
FIC- Fiction Chapter Books
Mrs. G is married. What is her married last name?
Mrs. Luft
Books should be put back on the shelf with the spine facing out.
What should you do if you lose a library book?
Tell Ms. G
Look For it everywhere
Pay for the book
A very naughty little boy who never follows the rules.
What is the DEWEY DECIMAL NUMBER for books on different languages? (like sign language) Is it...
A) 100
B) 400
C) 600
D) 900
B) 400
Mrs. G named her dog after her favorite Disney princess. Is it...
A) Snow White
B) Elsa
C) Aurora - Sleeping Beauty
D) Belle
C) Aurora - Sleeping Beauty
If you don't finish your book by library day, you have to turn it in anyway.
If the library door is locked and you are trying to return books, what do you do?
Put them in the book drop.
A really terrible snack food with a poor attitude who might want to change his ways. He is the first one of a whole food group series...
The Bad Seed
What kind of non-fiction books belong in the biography section? Is it...
A) books about people + famous people
C) books about animals and nature
D) books about sports
E) books about places in the worls
A) books about people + famous people
What is the name of Mrs. G's favorite book?
'Stephanie's Ponytail'
The library is only open at recess to 4th and 5th graders