Check in now uses this to access the registration form
QR Code
If you are serving FIRST SERVICE in the nursery, you arrive at this time
If you are serving SECOND SERVICE in the 3yo-1st grade, you arrive at this time
the 4th Sunday of every month
Family Sunday
If you're serving at Check-In the time you should arrive at your station
To minimize germs, we have transitioned this room to be..
A Shoe-less room
The main focus of the morning are
Lesson and Craft
If you are serving FIRST SERVICE in the 2nd-5th grade, you arrive at this time
What important information should you gather from a new visitor?
This policy prevents the spread of germs
the Sick Policy
If your serving with this class, you start off where?
Be sure to tell new visitors filling out the registration form to do the following (2 part answer)
1. Input primary care giver's information in the first section
2. click "+child" to input children's information
Important information to gather from parents at drop off
Back door and playground
If your serving with this class, you start off where?
Worship in the sanctuary
1. Ipad
2. Printer
3. Signage
Reasons to enact the sick policy
Runny Nose (green or yellow)
Excessive coughing
Throwing up
This procedure should be enacted when a child is behaving poorly
Consequence Procedure
After April 6th, this class will only be offered during this service
Second Service