Mentoring Scenarios
About Refugees
About the Program

Your mentee is shy and quiet, how would you start to build a trusting relationship with them?

Play cards or board games that they like. 

Computer games.

Less intense activities that don’t focus on school.

Offer information about yourself, asking any questions. 

Ask about likes and dislikes.

Tell them a time in which you were vulnerable, or learned a valuable lesson. 


Name 2 reasons why a refugee (or non-American born immigrant) might need mentoring?

  1. Navigating cultural, social, language barriers.

  2. Acclimating to new academic environment and system

  3. Someone consistent to confide in. 

  4. Understanding how to achieve their career goals and dreams 

  5. Really open ended answers


How often do you meet with your mentee?

Once a week 


Your mentee is having a bad day and cannot focus on their assignments. They ask you to complete the worksheets just this once. What do you do?

Explain to them that completing their assignment would not be of any benefit to them. Instead provide as many resources as you can to help them complete the assignment.


Name 3 countries where refugees come from.

5 top countries are Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Myanmar. Others include burma bhutan burundi congo dominican republic ethiopia mexico somalia vietnam.


What are the two schools we currently mentor at?

Aiken High School and Withrow High School 


Your 10th grader mentee wants to go to college to eventually become a lawyer but doesn’t know how to start. What do you do?

  1. Explore whether or not the school has any pre law related clubs or resources. 

  2. Make sure they are aware of the steps necessary to apply to college first.

  3. Help them explore what it means to be pre law in undergrad and what programs exist. 

  4. Help them understand what aspect of pre law appeals them to the most. 

  5. Basically help navigate the pre professional track.


Name 2 reasons why someone might come here as a refugee.

  1. Fleeing conflict w/in their country or persecution. 

  2. Their lives were in danger in their home country

  3. Basic human rights are threatened.

  4. Climate or food related emergencies.


Name 3 exec board positions for this organization besides president.

Treasurer, VP, Social Media Chair, Mentee Chair, Secretary


Your mentee tells you something really personal that is also concerning. What do you do?

Really a gray area. If the student is in trouble or at risk you have to report that to a teacher or counselor.


What global organization is responsible for the resettlement of refugees?

UNHCR (United Nations High Commisioner for Refugees)


Name 1 out of the 3 mentorship model components.

Accessibility to higher education, social and cultural navigation, english as a second language.


Your mentee tells you that he/she needs money to pay for a few meals. What would you do?

Tell them that you are sorry but cannot provide that kind of support. Instead, guide them to resources or tell a teacher if the student is willing.


Describe the difference between an immigrant and a refugee.

Refugee: people fleeing their country due to conflict that are protected by international law and are unable to return to their own country. General motive of well-founded fear.

Immigrant: One who leaves their country by choice with the intention of settling there. The vetting process is far more lengthy and thorough.


Who is the ESL teacher at Aiken High School? At Withrow High School?

Mr. Parker. Ms. Hildago. 
