This is the one main farming focus for Regenerative Farming.
What is the SOIL?
This is one example of farm animals providing natural benefit to the farming operation.
1. What is chickens eating maggots from cow manure, minimizing flies and encouraging fertilizer?
2. What is sheep and goats keeping grass cut by grazing and fertilizing as they go?
3. What is poultry eating most types of insect pests?
_______________, (or planting a wide variety) of crops is one of the founding principles of Regenerative Agriculture.
This is one way Regenerative Agriculture keeps the earth healthier.
1. What is no chemical pesticides?
2. What is no chemical herbicides?
3. What is healthier food supply?
4. What is protected water supply volume and safety?
The outcome for crops when regenerative agriculture is put to use.
What is healthier crops, increased nutrient yield, healthier soil, healthier waterways?
These are the one-celled organisms living in healthy soil.
What are MICROBES?
Moving the chicken coop
What is one way to rotate natural pest-eaters and fertilizers?
Plowing or tilling the earth to make rows.
What is the standard practice used in Conventional Agriculture that causes soil to become depleted or causes 'desertification' of the fields?
Another name for GLYPHOSATE
What is "Round-Up"?
This is the term that was given to the action of having Regenerative Agriculture begin to take care of itself on The Farm.
What is a FLYWHEEL?
Name an animal found in healthy soil that is known to make tunnels that aerate the soil - giving roots room to grow and helping conserve rainwater. Earthworms
Represented by the presence of owls and gophers on a farm.
What is an example of predator/prey relationship and natural balance?
What seed-spreading technique is used when plowing is not used to make crop rows ?
This is a way that Regenerative Ag helps protect waterways.
What is not using chemicals so that these to not enter our water supply?
Healthy soil impacted by microbes, earthworms, and other natural biota causes this to happen in a rainy season.
What is less water and sediment run-off, better crop and land irrigation?
This is the source of excellent fertilizer that living animals contribute to healthy soil. Manure
What is MANURE?
Give an example of livestock limiting damage by pests.
What is chickens eating bugs, ducks eating snails, goats eating everything?
crop rotation
what is the name of the process of season-to-season changes in the crops planted?
This is the common practice of currently Commercial Agriculture of raising one crop only.
This is how Regenerative Agriculture improves human health nutritional health.
What is improving the nutrient content of foods produced?
This describes soil that has been "desertified".
What is dry and empty of living organisms?
Lack of BIOMASS.
The dog who had behavior and needs that caused this couple to buy the farm.
Who is Todd?
To protect and improve the soil around crops and when crops are dormant, this is used.
This is the name of the outcome when standard commercial agriculture practices leave the soil unsuitable for life.
This is overall positive outcome produced by changing to Regenerative Farming.
What is - the soil, animals, plants and humans are healthier?