U.S. History & Global
Living Environment
Earth Science
Algebra & Geometry
What is "prose"?
The natural rhythms of speech in writing.
What was the revolution of 1917 that brought a communist government to Russia?
What is "The Bolshevik Revolution."
An example of recycling is (1) using a paper cup instead of a mug (2) turning off the lights when leaving a room (3) using plastic from a soda bottle to make a certain type of clothing (4) using two paper towels rather than five to clean up a spill
What is (3) using plastic from a soda bottle to make a certain type of clothing
What is the approximate percentage of geologic time that humans have existed on Earth since its origin? (1) less than 1% (2) 1.8% (3) 11.8% (4) more than 25%
What is (1) less than 1%
Lynn, Jude, and Anne were given the function f(x)= -2x^2+32, and they were asked to find f(3). Lynn’s answer was 14, Jude’s answer was 4, and Anne’s answer was 4 & -4. Who is correct?
What is Lynn
A poem without specific metrical arrangements or formal rhyme
Free verse
What was the U.S. President in office during the 1973 Watergate Scandal?
What is President Nixon
One characteristic of a stable ecosystem is (1) a high number of predators (2) an interdependence of organisms (3) a lack of biodiversity (4) an increase in human interference
What is (2) an interdependence of organisms
Most scientists infer that a major factor in the increased rate of melting of Earth’s glaciers is (1) a decrease in the output of energy from the Sun (2) a decrease in Earth’s atmospheric transparency (3) an increase in Earth’s orbital distance from the Sun (4) an increase in carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere
What is (4) an increase in carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere
Faith wants to use the formula C(f)= (5/9)(f-32) to convert degrees Fahrenheit, f, to degrees Celsius, C(f). If Faith calculated C(68), what would her result be?
What is 20 Celsius
A form or style that uses elements of irony, ridicule, exaggeration, understatement, sarcasm, humor, or absurdity to criticize human behavior or a society?
What was the name of the international alliance of European nations + Japan during WWI?
What is "The League of Nations"
The emerald ash borer is an insect that is thought to have been accidentally brought to the United States from China in shipping containers. It attacks ash trees, eventually killing the trees, destroying an important part of the ecosystem. The presence of the emerald ash borer in the United States can be used as an example of how humans have (1) purposely introduced an insect to correct a problem in an ecosystem (2) used an insect to remove one insect species and replace it with another (3) worked to increase the biodiversity in a particular area (4) altered the equilibrium in an ecosystem by introducing a new species
What is (4) altered the equilibrium in an ecosystem by introducing a new species
Which ocean current brings warm water to the southeastern coast of Africa? (1) Agulhas Current (2) Benguela Current (3) West Australian Current (4) Equatorial Countercurrent
What is (1) Agulhas Current.
What is the solution to the system of equations below? y=2x+8 and 3(-2x+y)=12
What is no solution
What is an elegy?
A meditative poem mourning the death of an individual
What was the cause behind the 1907 Gentlemen's Agreement?
"Yellow Peril" racism, economic fears
Which method of collecting data would provide the most accurate information about how an ecosystem is being affected by human development? (1) The people in the neighborhood record the number of birds they see in the area both before and after the construction of a new building. (2) Deer in the area are identified before construction so that scientists can see where they go after the building is finished. (3) More trees are planted in the area around the construction site to allow the animals a new place to live. (4) The population size is recorded for each species present in the construction area before and after the building is completed.
What is (4) The population size is recorded for each species present in the construction area before and after the building is completed.
Scientists infer that the Big Bang occurred approximately how many years ago? Give an exact answer such as 6.7 billion years ago.
What is 13.8 billion years ago.
Jordan works for a landscape company during his summer vacation. He is paid $12 per hour for mowing lawns and $14 per hour for planting gardens. He can work a maximum of 40 hours per week, and would like to earn at least $250 this week. If m represents the number of hours mowing lawns and g represents the number of hours planting gardens, write a systems of equations.
What is m+g<=40 and 12m+14g>=250
State 2 adjectives (starting with the letter "A") that relate to color
What is "ashen" and "azure"
What were the 2 Supreme Court decisions made after the 1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford case?
1. Slaves were not citizens and therefore, could not sue in federal court 2. The Missouri Compromise is unconstitutional, opening all territories to slavery
Scientists have recently discovered a community of bacteria and clams living under an ice shelf in Antarctica. These organisms live under 600 feet of ice, in the absence of sunlight, and in temperatures considered too cold for most living organisms. The location where these organisms live is unusual because (1) only biotic factors control the size of the populations (2) bacteria and clams are found in the same area (3) of the abiotic factors found in their environment (4) green plants make energy-rich compounds available
What is (3) of the abiotic factors found in their environment
Which change in the heat energy content of water occurs when water changes phase from a liquid to a solid? (1) gain of 334 Joules of heat energy per gram (2) release of 334 Joules of heat energy per gram (3) gain of 2260 Joules of heat energy per gram (4) release of 2260 Joules of heat energy per gram
What is (2) release of 334 Joules of heat energy per gram.
A ladder 20 feet long leans against a building, forming an angle of 71° with the level ground. To the nearest foot, how high up the wall of the building does the ladder touch the building?
What is 19