Before and after Regents
Right before testing begins
Time to get started
During testing

It is ok to come in late or leave early during Regents due to appointments?

NO! Do check to see if you have any appointments made during Regents. The Regents schedule is on the school calendar.


Will testing books be in the testing room before I get there?

NOPE- Proctoring leads will give them to you directly


It is ok to paraphrase the directions?

No, directions need to be read word for word.


Time checks should be done every....

30 minutes- written on the board and announced.


All students have accommodations?

Nope, only if it is stated on their IEP or 504 or if they are ELL. The accommodations given are on the roster. 


Time off requests will be granted during Regents administration?

They will not be granted.


Test books can be left unattended if no one is in the proctoring room.

Nope, never ever.


The student declaration is signed after the student completes their Regents? 

Nope, it is done right after the directions are read AND in PEN.


To pass time it is ok to read a book, be on your lap top or play games on your phone?

NO!!!! Any electronics are not allowed to be used in testing rooms. It is extremely important that students are monitored, this is probably one of the most important responsibilities of a proctor is monitoring students. 


Students must use their accommodations?

No, it is there to support the student, not create an issue for them. If they turn it down let the proctoring lead know and will contact the parent. If a student with extended time does not need it, they can leave when finished ( same 2 hour rule applies though)


What time do we leave on proctoring days?

After the last student completes their testing. 


Where do I get testing materials from, pens, pencils, calculators etc.. and what should I do when I get into the room?

Proctoring leads will have these in the testing rooms ready to go. Proctors need to make sure they have all of the materials needed as well as correct number of Regents and the correct Regents given.


Any student can take their Regents in any assigned room?

Nope, students need to be in the room that is assigned to them. Students with accommodations (sped, ELL, 504) take it in different rooms. Each room has a roster, it is the proctors responsibility to check the list and have students sign in.


What are some of the "big things" to watch out for?

1.Students writing in pencil when it needs to be in pen.

2.Pacing, monitoring students is important to keep students on pace to finish all sections.

3. Leaving blanks- pacing


When test read is an accommodation is ok to explain and clarify the questions.

Nope, never ever. This is a direct read.


When should I eat my breakfast or lunch?

Before proctoring, food should not be in testing rooms.


How do I get student scan sheets?

They will be given to you as they are printed- proctoring leads will bring them up to you. They are printed as students come in. If there is a printing issue, students can start in the test book than transfer their answers.


Students can come in any time?

No! Students are allowed in 1 hour after the start time after that it is principals discretion. Time back is not given. If there is a transit delay that is known students can come in and time is given back.


If a student becomes frustrated, agitated etc...

 Suggest a short bathroom break, get some water, take a breather. Let the hallway monitor know and they can talk to the student and let the proctoring lead and admin know. 


The entire English Regents can be read

Nope, only part 2 and 3. Part 1 is reading comprehension and if that is read it now becomes a listening skill.

How early should I be ready for my proctoring assignment?

15 minutes before start time


Drinks and food are allowed on the students desk.

Nope, only water. Any food will be kept downstairs and will have snacks in the hall.


Students can leave after this time has passed?

2 hours after the test started.


Students can leave the room unattended?

Nope. If the student is in the cafe, one staff needs to walk the student to the bathroom. If it is one of the accommodation rooms the hallway monitor will walk the student to the bathroom. 


For ELL students they are allowed to have a dictionary

Nope, they can have a glossary.
