Why is it helpful to preview the questions with line references before you read?
Then you pay extra attention to those lines when you read so it is easier to answer questions.
How many paragraphs should the whole essay be?
5: Introduction, argument #1, argument #2 , counterclaim, conclusion.
How many paragraphs should you write?
Do you need to do the sections in order?
No. Do the one that is hardest (on pace) first. For MC, do the easiest passage first.
This strategy keeps you from getting distracted by wrong answers because you decide what the answer SHOULD be before you look at the choices.
Predict before you peek.
MINIMUM total number of quotes/evidence for a passing score.
THREE-as long as they are all from different passages.
What are the two things you need in your claim on a literary analysis essay?
Central Idea and a Writing Strategy
Which section should you spend the LEAST time on? Why?
Literary Analysis. It is worth 8pts instead of 24.
True or false: If I get to the test an hour late, it's fine. The test will just start later for me and I will finish later.
FALSE: Once the room starts, you cannot start your test.
Name two kinds of trap wrong answers
Part right part rotten
Misplaced Detail
What is a counterclaim?
Opposing argument which you disprove
Which two sections are worth the same number of points?
Multiple choice and argument essay
What are 3 things you CAN have during the test?
Water, pen, pencil.
What are the three types of passages in the MC section?
Fiction, poetry, non-fiction
Why are parenthetical citations better than just saying In text one, line 17 it states. "..."
Parenthesis draw attention so scorer notices you have used evidence and its variety. Easier to see.
What goes in your citations for literary analysis?
Just line numbers (no author because only one passage)
Which sections test your understanding of what you read in a passage?
ALL of them
How can I find out what room I'm taking the test in?
It's posted in the hallway.
Always go back to the line to find the answer.
No matter how good your writing, you get no more than 3 out of 6 is you...
don't cite from THREE passages
Oooops! I didn't pace myself and I have five minutes left when I finish reading the passage. No way am I going to write this whole thing. What should I do?
a) leave it blank-then it can't be scored
b) Write a quote and maybe a strategy that matches it
c) Write a claim with no evidence
d) CRY
Write just a claim for half credit (central idea+ANY literary element)
Which two sections are most likely to have questions about figurative language? Why?
Multiple Choice (poetry) and Literary Analysis (literary fiction)
Helen decides to eat donuts for breakfast. She's stressed. How will this impact her test and why?
Sugar rush will fuel her for an hour or two, then she'll lose it and end with low energy just when she needs it most.