Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
This portion of the exam is based on a ______ passage.
What is listening?
This is the highest score possible if students only use information from one document in their essay.
What is 3?
"Your Task" indicates a topic for students to focus on in their essay. In the introduction paragraph, students must establish a 2 - 4 sentence __________________ about this topic. This will control the direction of the rest of the essay.
What is the Controlling Idea?
This essay revolves around the student's interpretation of the assigned ________________________.
What is the Critical Lens Statement?
The ELA Regents exam will take place on _________.
What is June 16th 8:30-11:30 and June 17th 8:30-11:30?
After reading "Your Task" on the prompt pages, students should immediately do these 3 things:
What are: 1. TAP 2. Thesis (P) 3. Set up notes page (P)?
This is the score students receive if they plagiarize or if they don't show enough "original student writing."
What is 0?
The Task 3 essay must include at least 2 - 3 of these.
What are literary elements?
These are the 2 - 3 steps involved in adequately interpreting the quote. This must be done in the student's introduction paragraph.
What are: 1.Paraphrase 2.Explain/Analyze 3.Agree/Disagree?
There are ______ multiple choice questions on the exam. These account for approximately 50% of the overall score.
What is 26?
While taking notes, it is important for students to keep what in mind?
What is the thesis / purpose of the essay?
Like the Task 1, immediately after reading "Your Task", students should identify these things.
What is T - task / A - audience / P - Purpose and the Thesis Statement?
The Task 3 portion of the exam is based on two short pieces of literature. If a student only addresses one of these in his/her essay, this is the highest possible score he/she can receive.
What is a 3?
This is the number of body paragraphs the student's essay should include. (Also, indicate what each body paragraph will be about.)
What is 2 body paragraphs --> 1 - 1st piece of literature 2 - 2nd piece of literature
Day 1 (Tasks 1 and 2) are based on fiction OR non-fiction.
What is non-fiction (listening psg. / reading psg. & chart)?
While taking notes, it is a good idea for students to write down 1 or 2 "direct quotes," however, it is even more important that they avoid this when writing the essay.
What is plagiarism?
These reading strategies help students comprend the text and chart, "ace" their multiple choice and write an in-depth essay.
What are highlighting and notes in the margin?
The two assigned pieces of literature likely will be unfamiliar to students; they may be confusing and overwhelming. Students should utilize thes reading strategies to help them comprehend and analyze the reading passages.
What are "chunking", highlighting & notes in the margin?
If students fail to connect each piece of literature to their explanation of the C.L. Quote and they merely summarize the plot of each piece of literature, this is the highest possible score they can get. (FYI - This also applies to the Task 3.)
What is 3?
Day 2 (Tasks 3 & 4) are based on ___________; therefore, students must remember to include ______________ in their essays.
What is -fiction? -literary elements?
Taking ample notes on the passage will enable the students to write an essay filled with this.
What is relevant details?
Like the Task 1 essay, in order to be considered a well-developed, high school level essay, the Task 2 essay must have this number of body paragraphs (or more).
What are 2?
Students must include plenty of evidence and details from the reading passages in their essays; however, they must be sure to __________________. If they fail to do so, they risk getting a 0.
What is show their own original writing / avoid plagiarism?
Students should include a bit of plot summary for each piece of lit., plenty of examples and 2 - 3 literary elements. They must also remember to clearly connect all of this to their_______________________.
What is their explanation of the Critical Lens Quote?
Multiple choice questions count quite heavily. Name 3 strategies that can help students be successful with multiple choice questions.
What is 1. process of elimination 2. cross off definite wrong answers 3. when possible, go back to the text for verification 4. take thorough notes during listening psg. (Task 1) 5. "chunk" / highlight / notes in the margin (Task 2 & 3)