Models of Relapse Planning
Principles of Ethical Decision Making

This theory views substance use and behavior as sinful and morally wrong.

What is Moral Theory?


In this model, relapse may be viewed as an opportunity for transition to a new level. The lapse is used as a means to assess what led up to the lapse to and formulate a more successful coping strategy in the future.

What is Cognitive-behavioral model (Relapse Prevention model?

Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder

What are mood disorders?


Providers should actively promote clients’ welfare. The services that we provide should be those most likely to benefit and least likely to harm clients.

What is beneficence?


Programs, practices, principles, procedures, products, pills, or policies that have been demonstrated to improve health behaviors, health outcomes, or health-related environments.

What are evidenced-based interventions?


This model takes a multidimensional approach to treatment. A person is never “cured”  and recovery is focused on abstinence.

What is Disease/Medical Model


In this model, the influence is on one’s substance-using behavior comes from interaction with groups that control reinforcement and punishment. Substance – using behavior results when greater reinforcement of social acceptance and the other benefits of use, are greater than any punishing contingencies.

What are social learning theories?


PTSD, GAD, Panic Disorder

What are anxiety disorders?


People should have choices, freedom, & adequate understanding when making decisions about treatment. (As much as possible). It is ultimately the client who decides whether, when and how to change.

What is autonomy?


This, has as much, or more impact on client outcomes as treatment methods.

What is counseling style?


This model of addiction focuses on the idea that certain behaviors, or actions, trigger a response in the brain called the reward circuit. When this happens, the brain responds with a feeling of elation and often continues to respond to similar stimuli.

What is Behavioral Theory?


The cornerstone of this model is in order to gain control of one’s life, one must give up control to a Higher Power).

AA Model (Self Help)


Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder

What are thought disorders?


This principle primarily has to do with an equal distribution of benefits and burdens. Ideally, effective treatment should be available on demand to anyone who wants and needs it.

What is justice?


These are intended to be the minimum standard counselors abide by when working with clients.

What are ethical codes?


This model of addiction speaks about the process of addiction that tends to happen from anywhere to anyone. This could be due to background, status, race, cultures, gender and peer pressure.

What is Sociocultural Theories?


In this model, addiction is seen as a disease that is progressive and irreversible and the only “cure” is total abstinence. All “slips” or “lapses” are viewed as a setback. Relapses negate all progress and recovery must start again.

What is the Disease Model?


Borderline Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder

What are Personality Disorders?


Clinical providers should not cause harm. What we do, or don’t do in our work with clients has the potential to harm people.

What is non-maleficence?


If a client intends to harm self, harm an identifiable third party, or transmit a communicable, life-threatening disease to an identifiable third party. 

What are limits to confidentiality?


This theory assumes that many influences combine to create the conditions under which a person will use, or not use, alcohol or other substances.

What is An Integrated Approach?


This model represents a view that some learn to control but may not completely eliminate substance use. This model views abstinence as a possible rather than necessary outcome of use management.

What is Harm Reduction?


A person diagnosed with a mental health disorder in addition to a substance use disorder.

What is co-occuring disorders?


An ethical situation may require giving greater weight to one of the principles while balancing with the others as much as possible given the dilemma.

What is an ethical balance?


Groups of people who experience higher rates of substance use disorders and overdose compared to the general public.

What are special populations?
