Dialing 67283 and typing the word START and hitting send.
What is setting up RAVE alerts on your cell phone
The amount of money we give to someone staying with family and/or friends
What is $40 per day
The number we call when we put funds on a pre paid credit card so we can give funds to a beneficiary for food, clothing and personal hygiene items
What is 888 893-1300
The number of people affected by disaster in order to be considered a Level 2 response.
What is over 25 people or 12 units?
In London it is over 10 people.
The number of volunteers needed to respond to a call where there are 16 beneficiaries.
What is 8 is preferable, 6 minimum
One manager, two as reception, 4 to fill out RNAF's one to book hotels and load pre paid cards (or virtual team to support)
This is the first thing you do when speaking with a beneficiary before filling out the RNAF (Registration and Needs Assessment)
What is ask for consent to collect personal information
The number to call when Direct Travel does not answer the phone
What is ... emergency number 855 258-5823
Information we give to credit card company when loading funds for a beneficiary
What is the Proxy number, a long 13 digit number seen through the envelope window; the name of the beneficiary, the address of the disaster, and the Level of response (usually Level 1)
What is the Municipality will work with Duty Officer to come up with an agreement about what services Red Cross volunteers will offer?
EMVRT booked a hotel the night before for beneficiaries. What do you do when the Team on site filling out RNAF's discovers 2 families don't live in the region, they were in fact renting an airbnb.
What is; Ask the supervisor on site, or the Duty Officer.
In real life we permitted them to stay at hotel for another night until they could connect with Airbnb but did not provide a PPC.
True/False We only write down main beneficiary name and date of birth on RNAF
What is False? We record all people in the household on the RNAF and their date of birth's.
What to do when you have an adult child or friend living with the family who wants their own pre-paid card
What is: fill out separate RNAF and make sure the address indicates Upper or Lower or Room Number to differentiate it from the main household?
Locations of supplies to respond to a disaster in St. Thomas, ON
What is London (office, trailer at Winmar), (Karen's house St. Thomas) (Shedden trailer)
These are the typical responsibilities of Red Cross when responding to Level 2 + events
What is Reception, Registration (includes needs assessment), shelter (hotels or shelter cots), food, personal items, transportation and Safety and Well Being?
You are meeting other responders on site at a hotel. When you arrive on site you.....
What is; wait for others and go in together. Never go in alone
This is the financial guideline of funds CRC offers beneficiaries and for which purposes
What is a DRIFAS Guide?
The amount of funds we give to someone to replace their tent IF fire/police have an incident number
What is $70
These are the location of our 4 x 50 person trailers and 1 x 100 person trailer
What is the Winmar London, ON, Stratford Fire Station, in a barn at South Huron Rec Centre Exeter, fire station in Blyth and 100 person trailer in Shedden, ON. We no longer have a trailer at the London office or at the Woodstock EMS.
True/False When a spouse of a restricted registered beneficiary comes looking for them, we show them where that beneficiary is and welcome them in.
What is False? We do not give anyone information about a restricted person and do not allow them on site.
Dispatch calls in for you to meet beneficiaries at a Tim Hortons. You learn they were living in their car which caught on fire. They have a police incident number which you verified.
What is: you obtain consent and proceed with RNAF (registration and needs assessment) process providing up to 72 hours support. The car was their home at that time.
The two locations one can find the Quick Reference Guide which has all the instructions and phone numbers to call for a PDA response and the DRIFAS guide
What is the google drive
and in the Red Mini folder in the PDA kit.
True/False When the beneficiary is high as a kite and you are delivering a PPC, take the funds back to the office and deliver it another day.
What is False? Leave funds anyway. We are not to judge. We practice impartiality.
This is the location of pre-paid cards in Goderich Ontario
What is Goderich Trailer in the city building?
This is the protocol when a beneficiary has a snake and hotel won't take them
What is look up our resources on google drive and call Morgan at Ontario Reptile Rescue info@ontarioreptilerescue.ca
The steps one takes after a beneficiary has a PPC and hotel and are looked after.
What is 1) text or call in proxy number to dispatch and conduct a verbal debrief
2) email onescalations@redcross.ca and kathleen.keating@redcross.ca a copy of all signed paper work then leave in the office on top shelf of inbox on front desk.
3) complete a response report (link found on quick reference guide on google drive)
4) one of the two responders conducts follow up call the next day and fills in follow up call report.