
What 4 methods were most common for getting food?

Hunting, fishing, farming, and gathering were the 4 most common methods of obtaining food.


What are the 3 main SC tribes?

The 3 main tribes were Cherokee, Catawba, and Yemassee.


Which region did the Cherokee live in?

The Cherokee lived in the Blue Ridge region, staying in large villages surrounded by a palisade (wooden fence.)


What type of houses did the Catawba tribe live in?

The Catawba people lived in wigwams which were made up of sapling frames; covered in bark, grass, and leaves.


Which tribe ate the most seafood?

The Yemassee tribe often ate seafood, such as clams and oysters.


Which 3 major crops were known as the “three sisters?”

Pole beans, corn, and squash were known as the “three sisters.” The corn would grow tall, the pole beans would climb up it, and the squash would keep nutrients in the soil below.


All SC tribes shared the __ language.

All SC tribes shared the Algonquian language.


Which region did the Catawba tribe live in?

The Catawba tribe lived in the piedmont region, staying in villages surrounded by a palisade (wooden fence;) all built along rivers.


What type of houses did the Yemassee tribe live in?

The Yemassee people lived on the beach; in wigwams covered in palmetto leaves during the summer, and lived inland in wattle and daub homes during the rest of the year.


Which tribe made pottery?

The Catawba tribe made pottery.


Other than the three sisters, what other major crops did the tribes eat, grow, and gather?

The tribes also ate, grew, and gathered pumpkins, bottle gourds, and tobacco.


How many chiefs was a tribe led by?

The tribes were led by 2 chiefs each. One was red, which lead in war, and white, who led during times of peace.


Which region did the Yemassee tribe live in?

The Yemassee tribe lived in the coastal region.


What type of houses did the Cherokee live in?

The Cherokee lived in winter homes made up of grass, clay, bark, and branches; daub and wattle homes.


Which tribe was most powerful?

The Cherokee tribe was known for being the most powerful out of the 3.


What were the most common weapons, tools, and materials gathered and used in a tribe?

Bows and arrows, spears, arrow heads, rocks, bones, stone axes, animal skins, and tree trunks.


Who were the council?

The council was a group of elders who made important decisions for the tribe. They were thought to be “wise.”


Which people from a tribe were known as the “real people?”

The Cherokee people were also referred to as the “real people.”


What was a shaman?

A shaman was a holy man/woman; a nurse for the tribe.


Which people from a tribe were also known as the “river people?”

The Catawba people were also referred to as the      ”river people.”
