Sort of like Vocab
How good is that Fit?
What does it mean?
Your Pattern did What?
Mixed Review

What does the r value tell us (3 things!)?

The strength and direction of a linear relationship


Which would have the larger r value?

Scatterplot A


Ireland wants to see the relationship between the number of number of movies actors have been in (x) and their net worth in millions (y) She finds that the equation is y = .32x + 0.05 and the R=.18.

What does the R2 mean

That 18% of variation in net worth can be explained by the change number of movies you are in. 


As x increases, y increases

what is a positive correlation?


When given two choices (like A and B), what must you do to get full credit?

Explain both and choose one of them!


Which of the following r values represents the best correlation?

a) .89

b) .67

c) -.96

d) .95



Describe the realtive strength and the direction of this correlation 

moderate to strong negative 


Ireland wants to see the relationship between the number of number of movies actors have been in (x) and their net worth in millions (y) She finds that the equation is y = .32x + 0.05 and the R=.18.

What does the slope mean (be careful - this is a regression) 

That overall (in general, on average) your net worth increases .32 million for every movie you are in. 

Jason finds the heights of all his friends in middle school and then plots them according to their respective ages.  He performs a regression and finds the LSRL.  He then uses his LSRL to predict what their height will be when they are 50 years old.  Did jason pay attention in stats class?  Explain.

He must have been sleeping in class!  This is an EXTRAPOLATION since his prediction for 50 years is outside the interval that he looked at (11-13 years) and the LSRL may not provide the best estimate.  Wake up Jason!


This measure of center is less susceptible to outliers than the mean. 

What is the median


The percent of variation in the response variable that is explained by the variation in the explanatory variable

What is the r2 value? 


Judging by the residual plot below, was the correct graph type fit to the data?



Ireland wants to see the relationship between the number of number of movies actors have been in (x) and their net worth in millions (y) She finds that the equation is y = .32x + 0.05 and the R=.18.

What would you predict for someone who has been in 6 movies? Do not round

1.97 million. 


You make a scatterplot of height versus weight for 2,000 kids from birth to 18. What sort of pattern would you expect to see? (describe the relative strength and the direction only) 

Strong Positive 


What does a z-score of -1.7 mean?

The data point is 1.7 standard deviations below the mean.


This is a way of estimating the 'average' error in a prediction from a regression line

standard error of the residuals or s


True of false. Based on the residual plot below, The prediction errors generally decrease as the x value decreases. 



Ireland wants to see the relationship between the number of number of movies actors have been in (x) and their net worth in millions (y) She finds that the equation is y = .32x + 0.05 and the R=.18.

What does the y-intercept mean?

That in general those starting in the career (0 movies so far) have a net worth of .05 million (or 50,000)


You make a scatterplot that shows the number of concerts members of the senior class (at a large HS) have bought versus the money in their checking account. What sort of pattern do you expect to see?

Include relative strength and direction

Weak to moderate negative


This measures how spread out a data set is

What is standard deviation?

Plotting these can help us to determine if we fit the correct type of graph (linear, quadratic, exponential etc.) to our data. 

What are residuals?


The point in the bottom left is considered what type?

High Leverage 


Andrea finds r=0.97 showing there is a very strong, positive linear association between ice cream sales and crime rates.  Does this mean that we can conclude that ice cream sales are responsible for variation in crime rates?  EXPLAIN

NO!  Correlation does not imply causation!!!!


If the residual plot looks like a U, what does this tell you?

That the linear model is not a good fit and that something non-linear is better.


Women's shoe sizes fit a normal curve. The mean US women's shoe size is 8 with a standard deviation of 1.5

What percentage of woman have shoes sizes between 5 and 9.5?

