"911 Authorities"
What entities can send a request for service to Originating Service Providers to initiate NG911 service?
A 911 Authority can be a State 911 Administrator, a Regional 911 Administrator, or a PSAP, depending on a state's approach.
Within 30 minutes of discovery of an outage potentially affecting a 911 Special Facility.
What is the timeframe for OSPs to notify PSAPs of outage that "potentially affect" them?
This satellite/wireless partnership was the first one approved to start providing SCS in the U.S.
What are SpaceX and T-Mobile.
MLTS manufactured, imported, offered for first sale or lease, or first sold or leased, or installed after February 16, 2020
What systems are subject to Kari's Law?
"[A]ll CMRS providers as well as all providers of interconnected text messaging services that enable consumers to send text messages to and receive text messages from all or substantially all text-capable U.S. telephone numbers, including through the use of applications downloaded or otherwise installed on mobile phones."
What are "covered text providers"?
Covered text providers must comply with the FCC's text-to-911 rules. See 47 C.F.R. Section 9.10(q).
P.S. This includes OTT/UCaaS providers.
About April 1st
When do we expect that 911 Authorities will be able to start sending requests for service under the NG911 framework?
"Special diligence"
What is the "standard" OSPs must use to assemble and maintain a contact database to notify PSAPs of outages?
This service involves satellite coverage to terrestrial subscribers in un/underserved area through a partnership between a satellite operator and a terrestrial operator
What is Supplemental Coverage from Space?
These systems may be "grandfathered" and not subject to Kari's Law.
DAILY DOUBLE - Get double points if you can explain more than the date.
What are systems older than February 2020?
FOR DOUBLE POINTS: The FCC has clearly said that upgrades to core MLTS software or hardware functions “are likely” to make an MLTS subject to the statute and rules. For software, this includes substantial upgrades requiring a significant purchase.
So far, the limits of “grandfathering” haven’t been tested.
CMRS providers are required to do this for wireless 911 voice calls and real-time text nationwide when caller location information available at time of routing is ascertainable within a radius of 165 meters at a confidence level of at least 90%.
What is location-based routing?
In the absence of these conditions, default to “best available” location information, which may include device-based or tower-based location information.
47 CFR Section 9.10(s)
FCC PSAP Registry*
*plus extra credit factoid
Where are 911 Authorities likely to lodge requests for service?
Extra credit: The registry does not exist, yet.
The date that the PSAP outage notification rules and the 988 outage reporting rules become enforceable
What is April 15, 2025?
This is the interim 911 rule for SCS service
What is (1) device-based location, or (2) relay to a call center?
Three major categories of risk for not complying with Enterprise 911 laws
What are safety, enforcement, and civil liability?
Civil liability? If an MLTS fails to comply with the Kari’s Law, the MLTS manager is presumed to be responsible for the failure, perhaps along with others. Somewhat unique to assign this sort of responsibility to managers as opposed to the high-level executives.
Who is Brendan Carr?
Next Chairman of the FCC, beginning on January 20th. Senate confirmation not necessary because he's already a sitting FCC Commissioner.
File with the FCC within 30 days
What are OSPs required to do if they enter into an agreement with a 911 Authority to alter any of the default NG911 rules?
These are the three "988 special facilities" for purposes of reporting 988 outages
What are SAMHSA, Veterans Affairs, and the Lifeline Administrator?
This is the 911 rule for Mobile Satellite Services (as opposed to SCS).
MSS carriers providing interconnected voice must route 911 calls to a call center for routing to an appropriate PSAP.
Beyond direct access to 911, these are the Kari's Law requirements once a 911 call is made on an MLTS system.
(1) Simultaneously initiate notification to a front desk, security office, or other location where the notification is likely to be seen.
(2) Notification must include
He will be the senior Democrat on the FCC after Inauguration Day.
Who is Geoffrey Starks?
Six or twelve months.
What is the compliance timeframe for OSPs after receiving a valid request for service?
Six months for non-rural wireline, nationwide CMRS, covered text providers, and VoIP.
Twelve months for rural wireline, non-nationwide CMRS, and Internet-based TRS.
These are the means of notification required under the rules unless another method is mutually agreed to in writing in advance by the 911 special facility.
What is by telephone and electronic means?
This is the FCC SCS rule for text relay of satellite supported messages.
What is there isn't any specific rule for text relay?
These are the requirements for alternative or enhanced location information.
Background: Under RAY BAUM's Act, non-fixed (mobile or nomadic) devices were required to start providing dispatchable location to PSAP starting January 6, 2022, if technically feasible. If not technically feasible, then must provide location by either an end-user manual update or alternative/enhanced location information.
Alternative or enhanced location information is the best available location that can be obtained from any available technology or combination of technologies at a reasonable cost and may be coordinate-based.
These are the primary U.S. House and Senate Committees with jurisdiction over communications.
(Extra credit for the names of the new Committee Chairs.)
What are (and who are):
House Energy and Commerce Committee --Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY)
Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee -- Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)