What are mechanical transmission?
a infection is the passive carrying of disease organisms maybe carried in 2 ways surface of an arthropod or ingestion.
What is the most plentiful form of available water?
What are Waterborne Diseases?
Results from ingestion of water that is harboring a pathogen example: Typhoid fever.
What are Water-washed Diseases?
Spread by fecal-oral route or person to person contact. Facilitated by lack of personal hygiene.
What are Water-based Diseases?
Caused by infection arising through ingestion of pathogenic agent Example: guinea worm larvae, Termatode larvae.
What biological Transmission?
This infection occurs when the microorganism multiplies or undergoes a cyclic development period within the host.
What are Water-related Diseases?
Facilitated by insects vector that breed in water: example filariastus abthropods that carry Dengue fever.
What are Inhalation of contaminated water aerosols?
Legionella Pneumophila
What is the ecologic agent of cyclosporiasis?
Cyclospora Cayetanensis
What food is associated with cyclosporiasis?
Imported Raspberries, Lettuce from South America
What is the overall purpose of bar screens, comminutors, and grit chambers when it comes to wastewater treatment?
It removes larger solid
Most waterborne disease fatalities occurred before 1940 and were attributed to the waterborne illness?
Typhoid Fever
Waters suitable for drinking water supplies and shellfish rearing are monitored routinely for?
Microbiological Quality
Only what % of the global content of water constitutes fresh water?
2.6 or 3 Percent
What is a waterborne disease that can be prevented through vaccinations is ?
Typhoid Fever or Cholera
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that ______% of all diseases are attributable to inadequate water or sanitation
80 Percent
Viral infections readily spread through drinking water, food and water-contact recreation activities due to what?
The low infectious dose for pathogenic viruses and protoza.
A bacteria
What is the specific agent for shingellosis?
Genus shingella Example: flexneri, sonnei, boydlii, and dysenteriae
What is the Reservoir for shingellosis?
Feces of carriers and infected persons
What are the symptoms of shingellosis?
Acute onset with diarrhea, fever, tenesmus, frequent stools containing blood and mucus.
What is the incubation for shingellosis?
1-7 days, usually less than 4 days
Bacterial toxin
What is the specific agent for botulism?
Clostridium botulinum and c para botulinum that produce toxins
What is the reservoir for botulism?
Soil, dust, fruits, veggies, food, mud, fish, animals and human feces.