Coping Skills
Communication Styles
Radical Acceptance Overview
Radical Acceptance Misconceptions

What is a coping skill?

An effective way to deal with uncomfortable emotions or situations


Define passive communication.

Passive communicators are often very quiet and will say "yes" to what others want despite their own opinions.


What is Radical Acceptance?

The complete and total acceptance of reality, as it is, without judgment, resistance, or attempts to change it.

True or False - coping skills are common sense. Everyone should automatically know how to use them.

False - coping skills are learned and require practice and patience to develop.


Define healthy versus unhealthy coping skills.

Healthy skills are effective and promote overall health and well-being. Unhealthy coping skills may feel good in the moment but often lead to long-term harm to self and/or others.

Define aggressive communication.

Aggressive communicators can often be seen as "pushy" and "bossy". They tend to assert their own opinion without listening to others and can create conflict by being too direct and not listening.


What are the benefits of using Radical Acceptance?

Reduce emotional suffering, improve mental clarity and focus, improve emotional regulation, foster resilience.


True or False - Radical Acceptance means saying that everything is ok exactly as it is, and nothing should be changed.

False - Radical acceptance means recognizing a situation for what it is without denying any of it; however, radical acceptance does not mean we support or approve of what is happening.


True or False - Coping skills should only be used when you are feeling a negative emotion.


Coping skills can be helpful for all kinds of large emotions and can help us maintain professionalism, stay calm in quiet places, manage boredom, etc.

Define assertive communication.

Assertive communicators balance listening to others with also sharing their own thoughts and opinions. They are calm, concise, and clear in what they say and make sure the other person's feelings are recognized even if they disagree.

True or False - Radical Acceptance works in all situations.

False. Radical acceptance works best in situations where change is outside of our control. It's important to be aware of when acceptance is helpful and when action is necessary.


True or False - it's easy to misuse Radical Acceptance as a way to avoid taking responsibility.

True! Accepting our circumstances empowers us to face reality rather than become passive and avoidant.


True or False - Coping skills help us avoid problems in life.


Coping skills help us manage our emotions so we can work through our problems more effectively.


Give an example of when you used assertive communication in the past week.

Free space! Earn 400 points.


What is one way you can show radical acceptance to yourself when you make a mistake?

Be kind to yourself and recognize that everyone makes mistakes, and learn from it. 


True or False - Radical acceptance helps us reduce unecessary emotional suffering.

True! Refusing to accept our situation can actually add layers of frustration, anger, and despair to what we are already going through.


Identify three long-term benefits of using coping skills.

Better emotional regulation

Improved mental health

Reduced blood pressure

Lower stress

Better sleep

Stronger resilience


Name a nonverbal communication pattern (body language) that matches each communication style.

Passive: arms crossed, slumped, no eye contact

Aggressive: pointing finger, arms crossed, stomping feet, slamming doors

Assertive: calm eye contact, loose shoulders, leaning forward with interest


Provide an example of a time you had to use radical acceptance

This is a free space for your own example (Earn 500 points)


True or False - Radical acceptance helps us identify our circles of control.

True!  Using this skill with mindful reflection can help us identify opportunities to take action for change, even when many things remain outside of our control.
