What is this?
A child is given another task to do after they get frustrated and yell in class.
Positive Punishment
A student raises their hand to answer a question instead of shouting out.
The teacher smiles and says, "Thank you for raising your hand instead of speaking out!"
The student feels encouraged and continues to raise their hand instead of shouting out in the future.
Positive Reinforcement
What social-emotional skill is the teacher reinforcing?
A child who is experiencing big emotions calms down quickly and independently. The teacher gives them immediate positive feedback. As a result, the student is more likely to repeat that behavior.
Give an example of how Skinner's theory could apply to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Answers may vary.
What is this?
A class receives a class party after they earned points for good behavior
Positive Reinforcement
A student keeps running in the hallway, ignoring the school rule to walk.
The teacher stops them and says, "Because you were running, you’ll need to stay inside during recess for five minutes to think about hallway safety."
Positive punishment
What social-emotional skill is the teacher reinforcing?
When children share or cooperate or express emotions, teachers or parents often praise them or give them attention that reinforces the behavior.
True or False
This theory states that behavior is determined by cognitive processes.
This theory states that behavior is shaped by environmental factors rather than cognitive processes.
What is this?
A child loses the choice to pick their own seat at the carpet after they talked to their neighbor.
Negative Punishment
Group Contingency via negative reinforcement
Cooperative learning and communication: The teacher tells students that if they can work together in their groups to complete an assignment, they won’t have to do their homework.
Negative Reinforcement
What social-emotional skills is the teacher reinforcing?
Children recieve praise from the teacher after they take turns playing with a toy.
Skinner's theory would be especially effective in which group of students?
Students with special needs.
What is this?
A class doesn't have to do homework after they behaved well during the lesson.
Negative Reinforcement
A student is disrupting the class by making loud noises during independent work time. The teacher says, "You’re losing five minutes of your computer time because you aren’t following our quiet work rule." The removal of the desired privilege (computer time) encourages the student to follow the rules next time.
Negative Punishment
True or False
In the ECE classroom, intrinsic motivation is more emphasized than extrinsic motivation.
Give an example of how Skinner's theory could apply to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Answers may vary.