True or False: Physical pain is a regularly reported feature of NDEs.
Medical advancements in modernity changed how we define _________.
This word literally means "a good death."
True or False: Many scholars argue that grief is universal.
_____________ is an acronym that describes the process that allows a terminally ill patient to request a prescription for medication to end their life.
According to scholars who study past-life memories, these physical characteristics from previous lives can reappear in current lives.
Birthmarks, etc.
The hospice movement began in this country.
Physician-assisted suicide laws in Oregon, Washington, and Vermont apply only to patients who are terminally ill and likely to die in ____ months.
One of the most influential books about mortality in the United States, On Death and Dying, was written by ________.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Sir Edwin Chadwick, a sanitary reformer, claimed that bodies gave off a _________, and therefore should not be kept in private homes.
What religious movement centered around the belief in personal survival of bodily death as proven by mediumistic communications?
Earlier medical definitions of death focused solely on this organ.
_____% of Americans support physician-assisted suicide.
Elisaebth Kübler-Ross’ “Five Stages of Grief” was first applied to this group of people.
Terminally Ill
She was the founder of the hospice movement.
Dame Cecily Saunders
This is the name for hypnosis thought which allows access to memories of an existence in-between earthly incarnations.
Until the mid-19th century, families usually kept their dead at home between death and burial, often up to _____ days.
Part of a recent movement, these people help with nonmedical services for people who are dying, including by providing social, spiritual, and/or psychological support and planning for memorials and/or funerals.
Death Doulas
Grief is ________ in different cultures.
Transhumanists believe _________ can give humans capabilities far exceeding present-day human capability
According to a recent Pew Research Forum Report, _____ percent of Americans have felt that a deceased family member has visited them.
This kind of photography captured the living with the recently deceased.
Memento Mori
In the United States, this movement began with the case of Karen Quinlan.
________________ grief occurs before the actual loss.
In the US the ___________ of dead bodies is not required by state or federal law.