Multiple Themes
Character Responses & Plot Development
Author's Purpose & Message
What's missing?

In "Thank You, Ma'am," what lesson does Roger learn from Mrs. Jones?

Roger learns about kindness and trust when Mrs. Jones chooses to help him instead of punishing him.


How does Roger’s choice to stay with Mrs. Jones in "Thank You, Ma'am" change the story?

Roger chooses to stay and listen to Mrs. Jones, which shows his growing trust and changes his behavior.


What is Langston Hughes trying to teach readers in "Thank You, Ma'am"?

Hughes is showing that kindness and integrity can make a big difference in someone’s life.


What does the "R" in RACES stand for?

Restate the question. For example: "The 'R' in RACES stands for restating the question."


Sample Question: How does Mrs. Jones show kindness in "Thank You, Ma'am"?

Sample Answer: Mrs. Jones shows kindness when she takes Roger to her home instead of calling the police. In the text, it says, "She said, ‘You ought to be my son. I would teach you right from wrong.’"  In conclusion, kindness goes a long way.

Your Question: Which part of the RACES strategy is missing?

The response is missing E (explanation). It needs to explain how Mrs. Jones’s words and actions show kindness and what effect that has on Roger.


What is the theme in "Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push"?

Our problems, shortcomings, and setbacks don't have to keep us from achieving our goals. We just have to persevere. —Chris doesn’t give up on sports or his relationship with his father even after his accident.


Which of Chris’s interactions with his dad in "Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push" moves the story forward?

Chris begins to listen to his dad’s coaching, which helps him improve in wheelchair basketball.


How does the author of "Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push" show Chris’s determination?

Through Chris’s actions and thoughts, the author shows that he never gives up, even though it’s hard to play sports after his accident.


What does the "A" in RACES stand for?

Answer the question. For example: "The 'A' means you need to provide a clear answer to the question asked."


Sample Question: What lesson does Chris learn in "Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push"?

Sample Answer: Chris learns that he can still play basketball in a new way after his accident. In the story, his dad says, "It’s the same game, son, just a different set of wheels." This shows that Chris’s dad helps him understand that he can still enjoy the sport, even in a wheelchair.

Your Question: Which part of the RACES strategy is missing?

The response is missing S (sum up). There is no concluding sentence to wrap up the response and restate the lesson Chris learns.


What theme is shown in "Wheelz on Wings"?

A key theme is overcoming challenges or perserverance. Aaron doesn’t let his disability stop him from doing extreme sports.


What internal conflict does Chris face in "Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push"?

Internal conflict is when a character is struggling with a problem or difficult decision inside their own mind. It’s like a battle between their feelings, thoughts, or emotions.

For example, have you ever felt torn between two choices, like whether to tell the truth or keep a secret? That’s an internal conflict—you’re fighting with yourself about what to do.

Chris struggles with feeling frustrated and sad that he can’t play basketball like before, but he learns to love wheelchair basketball.


What is the controlling idea of "Wheelz on Wings" and what does it communicate to readers?

                                                                        Aaron “Wheelz” Fotheringham loves to compete. He’s always looking for new challenges.                    




What does the "C" in RACES stand for?

Cite evidence from the text. For example: " According to the RACES strategy, the 'C' means you should give a quote or example from the text to support your answer."


Sample Question: How does Aaron show determination in "Wheelz on Wings"?

Sample Answer: Aaron keeps practicing his tricks even when he gets hurt. In the article, it says, "After every fall, Aaron got back up and tried again." This shows that Aaron keeps trying, no matter how many times he falls. In conclusion, his perseverance helps him become a successful athlete.

Your Question: Which part of the RACES strategy is missing?

The response is missing R (restate). The answer jumps right into the explanation without restating the question or prompt.


How are the themes in "Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push" and "Wheelz on Wings" similar?

Both texts show that even with a disability, you can achieve great things by staying determined. Both texts also highlight overcoming challenges.


How does Roger's response to Mrs. Jones’ kindness change the direction of the story in "Thank You, Ma'am"?

Roger feels guilty and decides not to run away. This leads to him trusting Mrs. Jones and maybe changing his behavior for good.


Why did the author of "Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push" include Chris’s relationship with his dad?

The author wanted to show that family support is important, even when things don’t go as planned.


What does the "E" in RACES stand for?

Explain how your evidence supports your answer. For example: "This means that the 'E' in RACES involves explaining why your evidence is important."


Which indicators can you use before citing evidence?

According to..

The text states..The author states... In the text..


What is theme?

Theme is the main message or lesson that the author wants you to learn from the story. It’s not just what happens in the story (that’s the plot), but what the story is really about on a deeper level.

Think of it like this: If someone asked you, “What did this story teach you?” your answer would probably be the theme.


What are the five elements of plot?


What is author's purpose?

Author's purpose is the reason why a writer decides to write a story, article, or any piece of text. Understanding the author’s purpose helps us see what they want to achieve or communicate with their readers.

There are a few main purposes authors might have:

  1. To Inform: The author wants to give you information or facts about a topic. For example, a science article about climate change aims to inform readers about its effects.

  2. To Entertain: The author wants to tell a story that is enjoyable and keeps you interested. This is common in novels, short stories, or poems.

  3. To Persuade: The author wants to convince you to think or act a certain way. For example, an advertisement tries to persuade you to buy a product.

  4. To Express Feelings: Sometimes, the author wants to share their emotions or experiences with the reader. This is often seen in poetry or personal essays.


What does the "S" in RACES stand for?

Sum up your response with a conclusion. For example: "In conclusion, the 'S' means you should end with a concluding sentence."


What is the best indicator to use to let readers know that you have completed your thought?

In conclusion,
