What are unhealthy coping skills? (Definition)
Coping skills that have negative consequences
What is healthy coping skills? (Definition)
Coping skills that have long-lasting positive effects
What is a consequence? (Definition)
A result or effect of an action or condition
What is the 1st Stage of Recovery?
Precontemplation--There's a lack of awareness or denial about addiction/a problem, making it challenging to communicate the need for change.
What are cognitive distortions? (Definition)
Thought patterns that filter reality into a negative experience or outlook.
What are some examples of unhealthy coping skills?
Substance use, procrastination, social withdrawal, SH, aggression, destroying property, etc.
What are some examples of healthy coping skills?
Exercise, talking about your problems/struggles, deep breathing, DBT Skills, throwing ice, mindfulness, listening to music, etc.
T or F: Consequences are ONLY negative.
FALSE! There are positive consequences to our actions.
What is the 2nd Stage of Recovery?
Contemplation--Individuals begin to recognize the existence of a problem and start comtemplating the need for change.
This cognitive distortion makes something seem less significant than it really is.
Identify the unhealthy coping skill:
Noelle has a research paper due in one of her classes. Because the paper will require so much work, Noelle feels anxious every time she thinks about it. When Noelle distracts herself with other activities, she feels better. Although this helps her feel better now, it will cause problems in the long run.
When engaging in negative self talk, what are some coping skills to utilize?
Positive Affirmations, Checking The Facts, etc.
What are some health consequences to drinking alcohol?
High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems, can cause cancer (from CDC).
What is the 3rd stage of recovery?
Preparation--Individuals acknowledge the need for change and begin to plan tangible steps towards their healing.
Identify the cognitive distortion:
If I ignore them long enough, eventually they will just forget and we will be fine.
Magical Thinking--Believing things will work themselves out on their own.
Identify the unhealthy coping skill:
Rebecca is angry about being passed over for a promotion at work. Rather than discussing the situation with her boss and trying to improve her work performance, she holds onto her anger. Rebecca goes home and opens a bottle of alcohol, and starts taking shots. Drinking numbs Rebecca’s anger temporarily, but the problems at work remain unresolved.
Substance Use
This coping skill has you focus on the present moment.
Health, finances, relationships, career, schooling, etc.
What is the 4th stage of recovery?
Action--Individuals actively engage in behavior change to overcome their addiction or harmful habits.
This cognitive distortion uses the terms: Always, never, forever, everybody, nobody, everything, nothing, etc.
Black-and-white/All-or-none thinking
What barriers might prevent someone from using healthy coping strategies?
Resources, cognitive distortions, addiction, etc.
What distress tolerance skill helps you de-escalate at the height of the crisis?
TIPP!! Temperature Change, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation
What are some consequences of telling the truth?
Stronger relationships, better mental health, improves confidence, more authentic, having integrity, etc.
What is the 5th stage of recovery?
Maintenance--Individuals work tirelessly to sustain the changes they've accomplished and strive to prevent relapse into old behaviors.
What cognitive distortion would say this:
"I don't know."
Avoidance--Not addressing the issues.