Relapse Prevention Skills
Coping Skills
Stress Management Skills

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness, also known as meditation, is a valuable skill that has been taught for thousands of years in many of the world's religions. One definition above by mindfulness researcher, Jon Kabat-Zinn. Mindfulness is the ability to be aware of your thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and actions-in the present moment-without judging or criticizing yourself, others, or your experience.


Why is goal setting and change planning important in relapse prevention?

To have exact changes you plan to make, if you can be specific about amounts and plans, and take actions that you can make to reach your goal. For example, "I will stay away from my friends who use and I will avoid bars."


What are coping skills?

Coping skills are skills to use when you are in distress, in pain or stressed, which interferes with our ability to grow and change in positive ways.


What is stress management?

Stress management is to learn and ways to manage stress, understanding emotions can help when we have a strong emotional reaction, we can make things worse. Managing stress is a good way to prevent a relapse.


What is self-care?

Self-care is the practice of taking care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life to promote health and wellness. It helps to build a healthy and balanced life.


Why are mindfulness skills important?

Help you focus on one thing at a time in the present moment, and by doing this, you can better control and soothe your overwhelming emotions. It can learn to identify and separate judgmental thoughts from your experiences. These judgmental thoughts often fuel your overwhelming emotions. Mindfulness will help you develop a skill that's very important in DBT called, "wise mind."


What can get in the way in your recovery?

Think of barriers that you may encounter when you are working toward your goals. For example, "I might get lonely or bored and want to spend time with old friends," or, "my cousin might try to talk to me into using because he thinks that's how we can have a good time."

What is a place outside that makes you feel safe, peaceful and calm?

Some answers can be: the beach, out in the country, playing with children, picking berries, beach combing, etc.

What is self-awareness?

Knowing our thoughts, both negative and positive, such as "self-talk," (a coping skill), and learning to recognize and express emotions is a foundation to self-awareness.


What are the benefits of self-care?

It is the benefit of establishing behaviors to ensure holistic well-being of oneself, for better health, managing illnesses, (when it occurs).


Name a mindfulness practice that has helped you focus.

1.Focus on a single moment.

2.Focus on a single object.

3. Band of Light.


Who are people who can help you in your recovery?

List people who can help you in your goal. Examples: other group members, AA or NA friends, your sponsor, your clinician, your clinical associate, your psychiatrist, if medications are needed to help you while in your recovery.


What is a self-soothing skill?

A way to comfort and nurture yourself using all your five senses.


What are the six basic emotions?

Anger, disgust, fear, surprise, happiness, and sadness.


What cartoon movie explored the inner workings of the mind and the power of self-care?

Inside out


What is mindful breathing?

1. Count your breaths

2. Let your thoughts go without getting stuck on them, and will allow you to refocus your attention on your breaths and help further calm yourself.

3. Allow 3-5 minutes to start this exercise, then move up to 10-15 minutes.


What are temptations?

Temptations in recovery can be a number of events that can interfere with your recovery.

What are the five senses?

Seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling and tasting.


When can positive self-talk help you?

When you are feeling down, when there is a challenge, afraid, feeling tempted to use are a few examples.


True or False: Self-care is the same for everyone.

False. Self-care is different for everyone, but prioritizing time for self-care can go a long way leading to happier and healthier lives.


What are advanced mindfulness skills?

Learning to be both mindful and nonjudgmental in your daily experiences. 


Name one of the stages of change.

Precontemplation, contemplation, maintenance, preparation, action.


What is progressive muscle relaxation?

As you breathe, practice going through your body, muscle group by muscle group. As you breath, tense muscles, as you breathe out, relax them. You can say, "relax," to yourself. The idea is that tensing muscles before relaxing will leave you in a more relaxed state. 


What are the benefits of stress management skills in your recovery?

It improves your physical and mental health. It helps with acceptance reality with grace, soothing self, and being mindful in the moment.


What are examples of self-care?

Emotional=talk to someone, reflect, journal, etc.

Environmental=take a walk somewhere, clean house, redesign a room

Financial=Save $1 a day, cut back on unnecessary purchases, ask for a raise.

Intellectual=Listen to audio books, puzzles, mindful of the world around you, try something new, take a class, complete a program

Occupational=Learn a trade, polish your resume, take on a task you enjoy, open your own business

Physical=Work out daily, take a walk, eat healthy, see your dentist, avoid drugs and alcohol, get 7-9 hours of sleep per night, see your doctor when you don't feel well

Social=Meet up with friends and family, keep in contact with old friends, volunteer, laugh, and engage in healthy social media

Spiritual=Pray, reflect, meditate, practice mindfulness, look to your higher power, help those in need, love self and others
