Define Self Efficacy:
The degree you feel capable of performing a task like preventing relapse.
Name 3 coping skills that work for you.
Own answer
How many stages are in the readiness for change model?
Name the stages of change in order:
Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, recurrence/relapse
Name your three biggest supporters.
What is the difference between a lapse and a relapse?
A lapse is the use of any addictive substance or behavior. A relapse is continuing to use the behavior until the full biological, psychological, and social disease is present.
Name 3 situations where you should use coping skills.
Own answer.
What fraction of clients coming out of addiction programs relapse within 3 months of leaving treatment?
People who are in this stage have no interest in behavior change:
How will your support system aide in YOUR recovery?
Own answer
These social situations will trigger cravings. These are the situations where you have used chemicals in the past.
High risk social situations.
Opposite action is:
Doing something the opposite of your impulse that's consistent with a more positive emotion.
People do what when faced with high risk situations that they could not cope with except by drinking or using?
What happens in the contemplation stage?
You discuss all of the positive and negative aspects of using or stopping the addiction.
What does the case manager do?
Makes sure everyone on the team is working together to keep the client clean and sober. This person keeps a record of all treatment, and has a contract with the client that outlines exactly what is expected of the client and what the consequences are if the client does not follow through with the recovery program.
What is the conscious or unconscious stimulus leading to the energy that gives you the power to act?
What coping skill is defined as: Using tools for identifying and expressing your feelings?
Emotional awareness.
More than 60% of alcoholics relapse where?
What is the stage where we begin to change the thoughts and behaviors that cause addiction?
Action phase.
The person who guides the client through recovery:
Sponsor, mentor, coach
What are the positive things we think will happen if we drink or use?
Positive outcome expectations.
What is a crisis plan?
Contact information of support and resources for when coping skills aren't enough.
67% of clients relapse within:
12 months
Each stage characterizes what?
A different level of motivational readiness for change.
Positive social support is highly predictive of long-term: