What is the legal limit of alcohol when driving?
Name 5 different coping skills/strategies.
deep breathing, using supports, mindfulness, exercise, healthy eating, etc.
What is the range of hours of sleep adults should get each day?
7-10 hours
What is an "I" statement? Give an example using the correct format.
"I feel ___ when ___because__."
Emotions/Thoughts: boredom, anxiety, grief, loneliness
How much is considered a standard drink?
Wine- 5 oz
Beer- 12 oz
Malt liquor- 8oz
Shot of liquor- 1.5 oz/1 "shot"
What is the national crisis/suicide hotline?
Name 2 sleep disorders.
-Sleep apena
-Restless leg syndrome
Name the 3 types of boundaries.
Porous, Rigid, Healthy
Name 5 common external triggers for substance use.
Activities/situations/settings: Celebrations/parties, driving past signs/stores/past use spots, people you previously used with, vacations, holidays, when in pain, before or after sexual activities, when carrying cash
Name 2 factors which impact how alcohol is metabolized.
-Body weight and fat
-How much food and water person consumed before
What is mindfulness?
"The practice of gently focusing your awareness on the present moment. It often involves focusing on sensations to root yourself in your body in the here and now. It can be practiced during formal meditation or during everyday activities"
Name 3 side effects of lack of sleep
-Decreased immune system
-mood changes/irritability
-trouble concentrating/thinking
-memory loss/issues
-anxiety and depression
-weight gain
-lack of motivation/productivity
Name the 4 types of communication.
-Passive aggressive
What is a SMART goal?
-time oriented
Name at least 3 long term effects of alcohol.
-Higher risk of dementia
-Higher risk of liver disease
-Higher risk of high blood pressure and strokes
-Higher risk of cancers
-Increased anxiety and depression
What are the 6 domains/sections in the "self care wheel"?
Physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, personal, professional
Identify 3 ways to improve/promote good sleep.
-healthy foods
-consistent night time routine
-limit caffeine before bed
-keep room/bed mess free
-no "working" in room, only use bed for sleep
-no screen time before bed
-mindfulness before bed
Identify 3 components of active listening.
-Eye contact
-Ask open ended questions
-Use reflections/summarize, paraphrase
-Non verbal cues: head nod, smile, laugh, etc
-Limit distractions
-Be open minded
Finish the statement: "Be Smart, Not ___".
Identify at least 3 ways alcohol effects the brain.
-Slows down the central nervous system-making you think, talk, and move slower
-Slows your reflects which effects balance
-impacts cerebral cortex which impacts ability to make decisions/think clearly
-Hippocampus- blackouts and memory loss
-Hypothalamus-slow your heart rate, make you hungrier and thirstier
-Medulla which controls breathing and regulates body temperature; can lead to coma
Name 4 benefits of using healthy coping strategies.
Decreased stress, decreased anxiety, increased sense of confidence, self esteem, purpose/fulfillment, improved mood, etc.
What are the 4 stages of sleep?
-non-rapid eye movement (NREM) 1
- NREM 2
- NREM 3
Identify 2 examples/components of each of the 3 types of boundaries.
Rigid-closed off, keep people at a distance/avoid relationships, untrusting of others, avoid conflict, inflexible, very guarded
Porous- struggle saying "no", overly trusting, adopts other's opinions, feelings, beliefs, overshares information, lets anyone get close to them
Healthy- assertively communicates, takes time to build trust, values own and others opinions and feelings, accepts conflict and problem solves,
Name the 6 stages of change.
1. Precontemplation
2. Contemplation
3. Preparation/Determination
4. Action
5. Maintenance
6. Relapse/Recurrence