What are three things you feel in your body when you are stressed?
Headaches, muscle aches, upset stomach, fast heartbeat, having a "short fuse", concentration issues
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired
What is jumping to conclusions?
Assuming we know what someone is thinking or feeling; where we make decisions based on our assumptions over what is true.
What do they mean when they say "internal" and "external" triggers?
Internal: thoughts, emotions, and sensations that spark a desire to engage in problem behavior.
External: people, places, things, and situations that spark a desire to engage in problem behavior.
Occurring right after use to about 15 days, what is the first stage of PAWS?
Withdrawal stage
(Increased need for sleep, difficulty concentrating, depression, hostility, behavioral inconsistency, cravings for drugs / alcohol, anxiety, confusion, etc.)
How would you define "proactive thinking"?
Planning for challenging situations ahead of time to better manage issues if/when they come up.
What is a trigger?
Internal or external events that quickly spark a desire in us to return to behaviors we are trying to learn to live without.
Downplaying the good things to make them appear less fun than they actually are.
Fix this sentence:
It's normal to experience triggers but not cravings, especially in early recovery.
It's normal to experience triggers AND cravings, especially in early recovery.
Post-acute withdrawal is both a mental and a physical response...
What is a core belief?
Healthy or unhealthy thoughts and beliefs we accept as true -- often coming from childhood.
What is a craving?
A mental process that tries to convince us that returning to old behaviors is a good idea.
What is magnifying?
Focusing on the bad things / "making a mountain out of a molehill".
What are three ways you manage / have successfully managed cravings?
Support groups (NA, AA), supportive and sober friends, mentors, sponsors, family, clergy / faith-based supports, physical exercise, mindfulness exercise, reading, guided meditation, painting, being near calming people / places / things.
One risk factor in long-term recovery is cross-addiction, which happens when...
... Someone with an addiction replaces their current addiction for another one (often a sober activity).
This is an image of a...
Wellness Wheel
Finish this chart (assuming this person does not use their skills for each step).
What is emotional reasoning?
Listening to our feelings as facts alone.
What is a Cravings Tracker and why is it useful?
Learning more about our urges and cravings lets us use more planning and prevention tools to keep us out of trouble.
What PAWS stage is associated with rehearsing relapse, about three months of sobriety, "euphoric recall" (remembering the positives of using), and devaluation of progress during recovery?
The Wall Stage (46-120 days)
What is a Thinking Report / what does it do?
A way of seeing the relationship between, and tracking: events, thoughts, feelings, behavior, core beliefs, alternative thoughts, alternative behaviors, thinking distortions, thinking patterns, and tactics.
Two helpful coping skills to manage external triggers are _________ and _________.
Avoidance and awareness
What is extreme thinking?
The always and never talk, "black and white" statements about how things might be if you make a change.
What is "urge surfing"?
A coping skill used to "ride out" a craving by staying above water -- remember, cravings begin, peak, and start to come down in about 20 minutes.
Many people reach the Resolution Stage after this much time in recovery.
180+ days