This activity, often recommended in recovery, can reduce stress and improve overall well-being by getting your heart rate up.
What is exercise
A common excuse for relapse is believing you can handle “just one" is called a
What is Relapse Justification
This is the most common negative emotion that leads to relapse and can stem from stress, frustration, or past trauma.
What is anger?
The first step in the 12-step program is admitting this.
What is powerlessness over addiction?
Engaging in this creative activity, such as painting or playing music, can help distract from cravings.
What is a hobby?
"Nobody will find out, so it won’t hurt anyone." This is an example of which common justification?
What is secrecy?
This emotion, often confused with sadness, can make people feel hopeless and unmotivated in recovery.
What is depression?
This term describes a person who helps guide and support someone through the 12-step program.
What is a sponsor?
Many people in recovery take up this practice, which includes deep breathing and mindfulness, to stay centered.
What is meditation?
"It’s not my fault I’m using again—if other people treated me better, I wouldn’t have to." What type of relapse justification is this?
What is "Blaming Others"?
Daily Double!!
HALT is an acronym used in recovery to check in with emotions. What do the letters stand for?
What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired?
Step 9 of AA and NA involves making these, which can help in the healing process.
What are amends?
This type of work can provide a sense of purpose and help others in need
Volunteering (charity...)
"Relapse is just a normal part of recovery, so I might as well use." What relapse justification does this statement represent?
What is "Giving Up"?
This emotion, sometimes linked to past mistakes, can lead to relapse if not managed in a healthy way.
What is guilt or shame?
This is the name of the well-known book that outlines the 12 steps and recovery principles
What is the Big Book?
Making a list of daily tasks and goals is part of this planning tool that keeps you accountable.
What is a schedule or planner?
Some justify relapse because "everyone else is doing it." This is an example of what kind of pressure?
What is peer pressure?
This is the practice of being aware of and accepting your emotions without judgment, often used in relapse prevention.
What is mindfulness?
The 12th step is about helping others and spreading the message of recovery. This is known as what?
What is service or carrying the message?