One of the first steps is ________________where we lack boundaries we cannot change what we do not recognize
What does commiting to change entail?
It takes work and determination on your part
You cannot __________ everyone
Admit when you need help or do not ___________ something
Who is the fashion osessed villian in 101 Dalmations?
Cruella de Vil
We need to ______________ our motives ,values, and core beliefs behind everything we do
Appearing to be too_________attracts people to you who want to use you
Be careful about how much you _________ of yourself
What is the 1st step to a give and take relationship?
Accepting the help of another
What is the name of the boy who befriends Baloo in the Jungle Book?
We also need to want to ___________ otherwise we won't even try
Take the ___________ to get to know some one before deciding if they are good for you
Do not judge people by what they ________ or how they dress
Only accept suggestions and advise from someone you:
Know well
In Beauty & The Beast, what is the name of Belle's father?
Lack of boundaries can leave you feeling miserable because of having no ____________ in life
Women and men are different Men are attract to:
Men are attracted to what they see and hear
Do not try and be ___________ your not
People get irritated when you share too much of yourself on 1st meeting therefore you need to:
Leave something to talk about next time
Who is the villian in Aladdin?
You feel like your a ___________ or doormat for other people to walk over, having no value of self as a person
Women are attracted to:
Women are attracted to how they feel around another person
Money doesn't get you everything you want in life, so what counts?
What you are on the inside is what counts
You cannot make everyone like you, make it a personal choice to be:
What is the name of the prince in Snow White and The Seven Drawfs?
Prince Florian