I fell head ________ (two words) in love with him.
over heels
Can men and women be just friends? Is it possible to have a purely __________ relationship?
They're very good friends. They're thick ________ (two words)
as thieves
Did you hook-__ with anyone last night?
They're not together anymore. Yesterday they _________ (two words)
broke up
Those two get on like a ____________. (they have a good time together)
house on fire
She cheated on me. I never thought she would __________________ (five words) like that.
stab me in the back
Do you believe in love at ______ (two words)
first sight
Maybe she died, because she's __________ me right now.
I've always been in a long-term relationship. I've never had a ____________ (three words)
one night stand
We've known each other for a long time. We __________ (three words)
go way back
She set me up on a _________ (two words). I don't even know what he looks like.
blind date
He's cute. I think I have a ________ on him.
Every time I call her she ____________ (four words)
hangs up on me
Take it easy. Let it be. (four words)
go with the flow
end of my rope
To propose (three words)
pop the question
She has claws and fangs and likes younger men, she's a __________.
I know we just met, but let's start over. I think we got off on ___________ (three words)
the wrong foot
They're too young to know the real thing. It's just ______ (two words).
puppy love
I don't like him. (hint: can you give me a back ____?)
He rubs me the wrong way.
The couple at the bus stop were holding each other, kissing, and _____________ (three words).
Whispering sweet nothings
They had been dating for three years, so they decided to _________ (three words).
Tie the knot.
She had some dirt on him, so she went to his VK and put him _______ (two words).
on blast
"How was your date last night?"
"Great! We really _________" (three words)
Hit it off.