Name the relationship
Relationship scenarios
Communication styles
Random NEED to know facts

Define the term: 


Love is an intense feeling of deep affection.


Define/Describe - What is a relationship

A relationship is the way two or more people are connected or the way they behave toward each other:


Sarah and Ryan have different interests but still support one another in the things that are important to them. Neither of them feels the need to give up their interest or feels forced to join the other person's interest. They are honest with each other and almost always able to negotiate a compromise they are both happy with.

Is this a healthy or unhealthy relationship?

Healthy Relationship


What is effective communication?

Effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose.


How can someone show their partner or friend respect? Name at least 4 ways 

-communicate - be kind - support -respect boundaries -give space - be honest -apologize- forgive 

-accept differences - celebrate success


Define what a Healthy relationship means

Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect, and open communication between two or more people, and they take effort and compromise from both all persons involved.


This relationship includes siblings and parents who you may or may not see everyday growing up. It also includes cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

Family relationship


Terri and Kelly are good friends, but Kelly dislikes how Terri sometimes makes mean comments about her appearance. She doesn’t feel comfortable confronting Terri about this. When she finally decides, Terri denies this, says Kelly is overreacting, and refuses to listen. After talking to Terri, Kelly feels worse and unsafe in this friendship after talking to Terri. 

Is this an example of a Healthy or Unhealthy relationship?

Unhealthy relationship


How many C's of communication are there that help you communicate more effectively?

(100)Bonus: Name 3 of the 7 C's to get half bonus points or all 7 for all bonus points.


clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous


What are some disrespectful things a partner or friend might do? Name at least 4. 

-ignoring feelings, -putting you down -gas lighting you, -snooping, -pressuring, -disloyal, -threats, 


Define what unhealthy relationships mean

Unhealthy relationships are built on power and control


This relationship is one where you feel very strongly attracted to the other person. This person will feel the same way with you

Romantic relationship


Marcus really likes Lillian – she is pretty and smart. Marcus often feels nervous that he might lose her to another boy. He doesn’t think she would ever cheat on him, but he does see her talking with other boys sometimes. It makes him feel so jealous he doesn’t know what to do. He told her she needed to stop talking with those other boys, especially right before him! Lillian got upset with him, and they had a huge fight. As they were arguing, Marcus felt so mad that he grabbed her by the arms to get her to listen and threw his book bag across the room. Marcus promised Lillian it would never happen again. He says it was an accident and didn’t mean to hurt anyone. He just couldn’t control himself when he was feeling so angry. 

Is this healthy or unhealthy?

(50)BONUS QUESTION: Give 3 examples of why


-Trying to limit or control what the other person does

-Is often jealous

-Throws or breaks things during a fight


There are 5 steps of effective communication. What are they IN ORDER?

a. clarify, consider, create, choose, convey

b. clarify, create, consider, choose, convey

c. convey, conversate, clarify, convey, choose

a. clarify, consider, create, choose, convey


What are three examples of emotional abuse are:

Teasing, bullying, humiliation, threats, intimidation, putdowns, betrayal, etc.


Define the term: 


Boundaries are the emotional, physical, and mental limits we set for ourselves in various aspects of our lives.


This relationship includes people you are not related to but choose to interact with. These are people we can trust, respect, care for, and feel that we can talk to them and want to spend time with. 



Brian and Kyle are on the baseball team. Brian has not gotten a hit in the last four games. Before the game, he tells Kyle that he doesn’t want to play tonight because he doesn’t think he will get a hit. Kyle slaps him and says, “Hey man, we all have a few off games. Don’t get down on yourself.”

Is this an example of a healthy or unhealthy relationship?

Healthy relationship


What are 3 or more ways you can communicate more effectively?

Speak clearly, maintain an even tone, and make eye contact, Keep your body language relaxed and open.


What are three examples of physical abuse are:

Slapping, pushing, grabbing, shaking, smacking, kicking, punching, hair pulling,


Define what the term "warning signs" means to a relationship

1. Warning signs in a relationship, also known as red flags, are behaviors that indicate a partner may not be suitable or that the relationship may be unhealthy.

2. Red flags in relationships are warning signs that indicate unhealthy or manipulative behavior.


This relationship represents people you may see regularly, but who are not friends or relatives.

(50)Bonus: What types of people makeup acquaintances? 


People who you see around often that you, at the very least, communicate by smiling or saying hello, such as neighbors and peers. 


Kaylynn has been learning to cook. She tries a new recipe and is excited to share it. Her mother’s friend tastes it and makes a face. He says, “Hey Kaylynn, I think you need some points from your mom. This doesn’t taste nearly as good as what she cooks!”

Is this an example of a healthy or unhealthy relationship?


Unhealthy relationship


What is the biggest struggle in communicating?

(100)BONUS: What are common communication barriers? Name at least 3 for full points.

The main characteristics of communication problems can stem from misunderstanding what one has said or misinterpreting the meaning of their overall message.

-language and cultural differences, gender differences, emotional disconnect, and the use of slang


True or False: If your BF or GF hits you in anger but then promises never to do it again, it’s OK to believe him or her.

