What is a relationship?
An emotional connection between two people.
What are boundaries?
Guidelines you communicate to others to help you feel comfortable and safe.
Why is communication important in relationships?
So you're on the same page, show respect, avoid conflict/drama
Peter's girlfriend is out of town. He's convinced she's cheating on him, so he calls her every five minutes.
To a hug a co-worker you've known for years
Yes (assuming they consent to it)
Who are people you can have a relationship with?
Family, Friends, Boy/Girlfriend, Husband/Wife, Support Staff, etc.
True or False:
Everyone has the SAME BOUNDARIES and that's how you know how to treat others.
What is an anger management skill?
Deep breathing, walking away, counting to 10, stress ball, using "I feel" statements
Wanda saw a post from her friend. In the post she was left out of a picture & the caption was "these are my real friends". She decides to wait until she calms down to ask him about it.
To take money out of your cousin's purse, even though you will definitely pay them back tomorrow when your check comes.
No you thief.
What are some signs you are in a healthy relationship?
Communication, respect, trust, affection, can be yourself, conflict resolution
One of your boundaries is that you don't like to be touched. There are people that don't know your boundary & they try to greet you with a hug. Is it okay to let them hug you because you don't want to seem mean?
No. Although boundaries can change, you should let them know how you would like to be greeted first
What are some unhealthy communication skills?
Yelling, name calling/blaming, ignoring, giving in, being forceful, not listening, playing victim
Lydia has a bad temper & decides to yell at her children, insulting them because of a mistake they made. She says that they will be ok because she apologizes every time she does it.
To share compliment strangers & make them feel accepted/loved
What are some signs you are in an unhealthy relationship?
Controlling behavior, lack of communication, lying, manipulation, hiding your feelings/emotions, Intimidation, Hostility, Violence
Your date pressured you into kissing them even though no kissing was one of your boundaries, but they said they might love you. This is a good reason to change your boundary
What are healthy communication skills?
Calm/even tone, using "I feel" statements, compromise, dealing with conflict, listening, talking about boundaries
You found out your friend has a fear of heights. You talked to them about this & think that sitting & talking on top of your garage would help.
Although that's a little much, healthy because you aren't making them do it & not playing trying to fake push them off the garage.
To roast someone (even though you are just trying to be funny) that you met last week
No, it usually takes a little more time before you start to do this
What are some things you can do to form new relationships?
Clubs/activities, sharing interests/compliments, church
There's a new co-worker at your job and they have made it clear they are allergic to peanuts. You decide to eat Snickers around them & offer a bite every week. What are you doing?
No. you would be ignoring their boundaries and disrespecting them (& possibly harming them)
Janice and Chandlar are on their first date. What kinds of things should they discuss on their date?
"Small" Talk topics(interests, dislikes, etc) start establishing boundaries
Kyle and Chris have started a non profit with some of their classmates to meet children in their community to help them find their careers & life passion
To propose (get engaged/married) to someone you've been dating for a month?