A connection between two people.
What is a relationship?
These are guidelines you communicate to others to help you feel comfortable and safe.
What are boundaries?
Why is communication important in relationships?
So you're on the same page, show respect, avoid conflict/drama
Healthy or Unhealthy?
Peter's girlfriend did not respond to his text so he calls and texts her every five minutes.
Is it ok to a hug a co-worker?
No. You need to respect your co-workers personal space and not touch their body.
This is what you call the connection you have with Family, Friends, Boy/Girlfriend, Husband/Wife, Support Staff, etc.
Who are people you can have a relationship with?
True or False:
Everyone has the same boundaries
What is an anger management skill?
Deep breathing, walking away, counting to 10, stress ball, using "I" statements, asking for space or a break
Healthy or Unhealthy?
Wanda's mom found some inappropriate texts on her phone. She decides to wait until she calms down to ask her about it.
Is it ok to write a love note or text to someone while at work or school ?
Questionable. It is appropriate to use your break time and lunch time for personal matters. However, they need to be appropriate.
Signs you are in a healthy relationship
What are communication, respect, trust, affection, can be yourself, conflict resolution?
True or False
Sending texts with inappropriate language may cross someone's boundary.
Never text or send an email to someone with information that you would not say to them in-person.
What are some unhealthy communication skills?
Yelling, name calling/blaming, ignoring, giving in, never giving in, not listening, playing victim
Healthy or Unhealthy
Lydia has a bad temper and thinks it's cute when her big, wrestler boyfriend gets afraid of her when she gets mad at him. She's never hit him, she just calls him names but he deserves it because he's so clueless sometimes.
Is it ok to share naked pictures of yourself?
Absolutely Not. If you email or text pictures of yourself to someone, they can send them and show them to other people. It is not safe or appropriate to do this.
Signs you are in an unhealthy relationship
What are, fear, lack of communication, lying, manipulation, hiding your feelings/emotions, giving more?
True or False
It's ok for someone to ignore your boundaries
If someone does not respect your boundaries it is a good idea to distance yourself from that person.
What are healthy communication skills?
Calm/even tone, using "I" statements, compromise, dealing with conflict, listening, talking about boundaries
Your friend's partner isn't treating them with respect. How do you provide help/support for someone in an unhealthy relationship?
Tell them they deserve to be treated with love/respect, listen to them, support them and encourage them to talk to their parents or a trusted person.
Is it ok to ask a person on your bowling team on a date after knowing them for a few months?
Yes. If you know they are not already in a relationship then it is appropriate to ask one time.
Places you can form new relationships
What are clubs, activities, dating sites, church, school
There's a new student in your program and they have made it clear they aren't interested in dating. You decide to keep asking them out anyways because you really like them. What are you doing?
Ignoring their boundaries and disrespecting their choices
What kinds of things can you discuss with someone you just met?
"Small" Talk topics, likes/dislikes, hobbies, school experiences, job experiences
Healthy or Unhealthy
Kyle and Chris have been together for just a few weeks and Kyle wants to take things slow. Chris would be comfortable with a faster pace and checks in occasionally to see where Kyle is and expressing their desire to be more official.
Is it ok to propose to someone you've been dating for a month?
No. You have not dated the person long enough to know if you are compatible or have the same long term goals.