Romantic 2
Friendship 2

One person has a certain way of dressing that makes them feel comfortable but their partner when they go out points out to other people what they don't like about it and tells them that they should change how they dress

This is unhealthy because it would make the person feel ashamed, unsupported and have low self-esteem 


Mark and Jessica have been in a relationship for a while. Mark frequently guilt-trips Jessica to get his way. He uses emotional manipulation by making her feel responsible for his happiness and threatening to end the relationship if she doesn't comply with his demands.

This is unhealthy, Jessica constantly feels anxious and trapped, as her emotions are constantly exploited. Mark's emotional manipulation creates an unhealthy dynamic built on fear and control.


Sarah and Lisa engage in activities they both enjoy, such as hiking or painting and encourage each other to pursue their individual passions. They celebrate each other's accomplishments and actively support each other's personal development

This is healthy because it creates a fulfilling and inspiring friendship.


They have regular family meetings where each member has the opportunity to express their thoughts, concerns, and needs. They actively listen to one another, validate each other's emotions, and work together to find solutions. 

This is healthy because everyone will feel validated and heard and there is healthy communication between the whole family


 Alex and Lisa have been married for five years. When conflicts arise they engage in calm and respectful discussions, actively listen to each other's perspectives, and work together to find a compromise that satisfies both of their needs. Their ability to communicate constructively and resolve conflicts strengthens their bond.

This is healthy because their ability to communicate constructively and resolve conflicts strengthens their bond.


Mark and Jason have been friends for a long time. They constantly compare themselves in various aspects of their lives, such as careers, relationships, or material possessions.

This is unhealthy because this competition breeds jealousy, resentment, and a lack of genuine happiness for each other's success. The friendship becomes emotionally draining and unsupportive


Mike and John have an unhealthy friendship marred by a lack of trust and repeated betrayals. They have broken each other's confidences, spread rumors, and engaged in dishonest behavior.

This is unhealthy because the friendship is filled with suspicion, resentment, and an inability to rebuild trust.


Mark and Lisa have a healthy parent-child relationship. Mark consistently supports Lisa's dreams and aspirations, providing guidance and encouragement along the way.  

This is healthy because he fosters an environment where Lisa feels safe to express herself, make her own decisions, and learn from her experiences.


Sarah and Michael have been dating for a few months. Michael constantly checks Sarah's phone, demands to know where she is at all times, and isolates her from her friends and family.

This is unhealthy Sarah feels trapped and fearful, as she has lost her sense of independence and autonomy. Michael's controlling behavior creates an unhealthy power imbalance and erodes trust.


John and Emily have been together for several years. When John wants to pursue a new career path, Emily encourages him and offers her assistance.

This is healthy, they celebrate each other's successes and provide emotional support during challenging times. Their mutual support creates a nurturing and empowering dynamic in their relationship.


Adam and Mike have been friends for a while. Adam constantly seeks validation, advice, and reassurance from Mike, relying on him for decision-making and problem-solving.

This is unhealthy, this excessive dependence creates an unhealthy dynamic where Adam's self-esteem is reliant on Mike's approval, putting strain on their friendship


Sarah and Lisa are best friends who appear to have a picture-perfect friendship. They always present themselves as happy and successful, constantly striving for perfection in their careers, appearance, and personal lives. However, underneath the facade, their friendship is built on competition, comparison, and constant pressure to meet unrealistic standards.

This is unhealthy because they fear showing vulnerability or admitting struggles, leading to a lack of genuine connection and support.


They value each other's personal interests, hobbies, and boundaries. They allow space for personal growth and independence, recognizing that their individual identities contribute to the strength of their partnership.

This is healthy because they support each other's passions and encourage autonomy within their relationship.


Alex and Sarah have a deep emotional connection and understand each other on a profound level. They share their vulnerabilities, dreams, and fears with each other, creating a strong bond. However, they also tend to become overly dependent on each other for emotional support.

This is unhealthy because their dependency can lead to an unhealthy level of reliance and potential codependency.


Mark and Jessica are a couple who spend almost all their time together and seem completely inseparable. They prioritize their relationship above everything else, including their individual interests and friendships.

This is unhealthy because while they may appear deeply connected, their relationship is suffocating and lacks healthy boundaries. They have become overly dependent on each other, isolating themselves from other social connections and personal growth.


Sarah and David support each other, but their support is often conditional. They are there for each other when things are going well, but during difficult times, they may withdraw support or be judgmental.

This is unhealthy because this inconsistency in support can create uncertainty and a lack of trust in the relationship.


Mike and John can confide in each other, knowing their conversations will remain confidential. They consistently show up for each other, keeping their commitments and being reliable sources of support in times of need.

Mike and John have a healthy friendship built on trust and reliability. 


Alex and Lisa, siblings in their early twenties, have an intense rivalry. They constantly compete for their parent's attention and approval, undermining each other's achievements and seeking ways to outshine one another.

While they end up encouraging each other to do better it is still unhealthy because their stress and anxiety and their rivalry can lead to hatred and other issues with each other and their parents.


Mike and Lisa have a passionate relationship where they often engage in heated arguments. While they both value open communication, their arguments can sometimes escalate into yelling and hurtful remarks. They do however make efforts to resolve conflicts and learn from them.

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James and Emily push each other to grow and step outside their comfort zones. They encourage personal development and motivate each other to pursue goals. However, this constant push for growth can sometimes create feelings of inadequacy or pressure to constantly achieve, leading to stress and potential burnout.

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Sarah's mother uses guilt, passive-aggressive comments, and emotional blackmail to control Sarah's actions and decisions. 

This manipulation prevents Sarah from asserting her independence, undermines her self-confidence, and perpetuates a toxic power dynamic.
