Healthy or unhealthy? Name 2 characteristics you notice:
Healthy: enthusiastic, communication, body language, etc.
Name 2 characteristics of a healthy relationship.
Comfortable Pace / Communication / Healthy conflict / Trust / Independence / Respectful / Kindness / Fun!
What does it mean that consent must always be "Freely Given"?
Consent is given on an equal power ground, with no pressure/force, manipulation, substances
Your best friend has been getting jealous about you meeting new friends, what kind of relationship is this?
Healthy or unhealthy? Name 3 characteristics you notice:
Unhealthy: volatility, yelling/aggression, destroying property, throwing things, jealousy
What are 2 examples of "red flags" in an abusive relationship?
Harmful communication / Physically hurts or injures / Manipulation / Controlling / Isolation / Pressures or forces / Volatility
What are two things that could impact someone's ability to give consent?
Intoxication, age, peer pressure, etc.
What is one way that you can support a friend who is in an unhealthy or abusive relationship?
Multiple answers: listen to them, believe them, don't judge them, help them find resources, help them figure out next steps, etc.
Healthy or unhealthy? Name 3 characteristics you notice:
Unhealthy: pressure, threat, manipulation, not taking "no" for an answer, etc.
What are 3 differences between a healthy and unhealthy relationship?
Comfortable Pace / Intensity
Communication / Breaks in communication
Trust / No trust
Respect / Not respectful
Independence / Only spend time together
Healthy conflict / Jealousy or Manipulation
How is the way we view consent impacted by pop-culture?
Consent isn't needed, you can "get around consent", drinking & consent, victim blaming, etc.
Someone you ended a relationship with has been texting and calling constantly, leaving gifts for you, showing up uninvited. What is this an example of?
Healthy or unhealthy? Name 3 characteristics you notice:
Unhealthy: gaslighting, unclear communication about expectations, role expectations, etc.
How are relationships impacted by pop-culture?
Impacts what we think is "normal" in relationships: not taking no for an answer, stalking behavior, sexual activity, controlling behaviors, etc.
What does F.R.I.E.S stand for?
F (freely given), R (reversible), I (informed), E (enthusiastic), S (specific)
Please provide 3 boundary examples:
-Emotional Boundary
-Physical Boundary
-Digital Boundary
Emotional: "Fair Fighting" Rules
Physical: Public Displays of Affection (PDA)
Digital: having each other's passwords