These are ecosystems that are situated on land and are surrounded by air.
Terrestrial ecosystems
These are types of ecosystems that are situated in water environments.
Aquatic ecosystems
These are bodies of flowing water and are home to plants and algae, turtles, otters, and salmon.
It's a type of relationship when organisms benefit each other. For example, bees obtain nectar from flowers and flowers are pollinated by bees.
These are flat areas with grass and a few trees. They have hot summers and cold winters and are home to grazing animals like buffaloes, coyotes, and foxes.
They are the driest regions in the world. There is little rain and they have very hot days and very cold nights.
These two are the biggest aquatic ecosystems. They contain salt water in constant motion due to waves and currents.
Oceans and seas
It's a type of relationship when it benefits one organism and harms the other. For example, fleas bite dogs and feed on their blood and the dog gets infected skin.
When toxic waste by-products from human activities contaminate the environment, it causes air, water, and soil ___________.
Deciduous forests
It is the coldest terrestrial ecosystem. It is so cold that the top layer of soil is almost always frozen.
It's a type of relationship when organisms compete with each other to survive. It happens when some animals share the same territory and compete with each other for the same food.
Competitive relationships
This happens when two or more organisms need the same resources (water, food, light, space, or shelter).
It is the term used for when there are very few organisms of a species left.
Endangered species
They have a hot, humid climate with abundant rain all year round. They are the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth.
These are small freshwater cosystems that can be natural or man-made.
It's a type of relationship when organisms depend on each other to survive. For example, some animals eat fruits. In turn, they help to disperse the seeds.
It happens when one animal hunts and eats the other animal.
These are aquatic ecosystems like rivers, lakes, and ponds.
Freshwater ecosystems
They grow in dry regions with warm summers. Most of the trees are evergreen.
Mediterranean forests
These are large bodies of still water. Some plants like reeds grow here.
It's a type of relationship when only one organism gets the benefit and the other is unaffected. For example, spiders build webs on plants but the webs do not benefit or harm the plant.
It is when we, humans, use up more natural resources than are replaced.
These are saltwater ecosystems like oceans and seas.
Saltwater ecosystems