Healthy, Unhealthy or Abusive? Qualities of Relationships
Dealing with Conflict
Relationships at Gunn
Relationships Misc

This type of relationship is one in which each person is responsible for their own happiness.

What is a healthy relationship?


Boundaries allow us to protect ourselves. (True or false?)

What is true?


People who have an avoidant conflict response style seek to do this

What is avoid dealing with a conflict until it goes away?


At Gunn, most students 

a) strongly agree, b) agree, c) disagree, or d) strongly disagree that students respect each other?

What is b) agree? (50/55%)


A conversation Riley has with Meg makes this island crumble in Inside Out

What is friendship island? 


This type of relationship is one in which one person can cause the other to feel anxious. 

What is an unhealthy relationship?

True or False? Going against personal values to try to make someone else happy is a sign of unhealthy boundaries. 
What is true?

The collaborative conflict resolution style is often best because it has this kind of outcome for both participants

What is win/win?


This percentage of students at Gunn participate in extracurricular activities (within 5)

What is 91%? (86-96% acceptable)


Studies show that young people most value these qualities in their friends (several answers apply)

What is sense of sense of humor, honesty, kindness, seeing things from other perspectives, or confidence? (only need to get one right)


This type of relationship is one in which one person can enjoy personal time away from the other.

What is a healthy relationship?


A person with good boundaries trusts ________________.

What is many people, but not everyone?


If someone is in a situation of conflict where they just give in to make someone else happy, but aren't really getting anything they want, they are using this type of conflict resolution style

What is accommodating?


True or false: Most students at Gunn feel like they have an adult on campus who will listen to them?

What is true? (77%/75% pretty much true/very much true)


Though students' perceptions of self-worth tend to lower between 8th and 9th grade, this aspect of social life improves from 8th grade to 9th grade

What is making close friends?


This type of relationship is one in which one person is so jealous that they cause the other person to isolate themselves from friends and family.

What is an abusive relationship?


A person with good boundaries has a strong sense of personal ______________. 

What is identity? (also acceptable: direction, values, truth)


This is the conflict response style used by those who seek to demonstrate that they're always right

What is the competitive conflict resolution style?


This percentage of 9th graders and 11th graders said that Gunn students do NOT get along well with each other (within 5%)

What is 7%? (2-12% acceptable)


This is the greatest number of REALLY good friends that most people have, on average (a support clique)

What is five?


This type of relationship is one in which one person doesn't want to fully and honestly communicate with the other. 

What is an unhealthy relationship?


Dr. Brene Brown's research has demonstrated that having boundaries allows us to treat others with this

What is compassion?


This is the essential difference between debate and dialogue

What is: dialogue is collaborative? (or, true dialogue is collaborative)

These three words were the most common response on the Spring 2021 Challenge Success survey when students were asked to describe Gunn (you only need to get two right)

What is stressful, challenging and/or competitive?


According to a 2021 survey, this percentage of the American population has ended a friendship over politics (within 5%)

What is 15%? (10-20%)
