I am a person_____ puts fire out, I am a_______
who, fire fighter
I am someone where likes animals
I am someone who likes animals.
Complete the sentence:
A fire fighter has...
to be brave
I ____ pick up my son from school.
have to
I am work_____ people learn, I am a_____
where, teacher
I work who animals are sick.
A teacher is a place where people learn.
incorrect: A SCHOOL is a place where people learn.
She______ go to school from Monday to Friday.
has to
This is the place______ they make cakes, it is a______
where, bakery
Bakers doesn't have to take care of animals
don't have to
I am a person_______ helps people.
I work at a place_______people are sick.
who, where
A pilot________(negative) be friendly.
doesn't have to
I am someone_____ works____ animals are sick.
I am someone_____ loves dogs, I am a_____
who, where
who, vet
She don't have to go to school
She doesn't have to go to school.
have and has to be
Mechanics ______strong
have to be
Bakers_____(negative) organised
don't have to be
I work_____ experiments are made. I am a_____
who, where, scientist
A fotografer is a person who taqueis fotos off persons.
A photographer is a person who takes photos of people.
Complete the sentences:
A Professional Sleeper is someone who______
A Professional Sleeper is someone who loves sleeping!
Fire fighters_____(negative) organised but they ________(positive) strong
don't have to be,
have to be