Values & Skills
Job Search & Interviews
Online Presence
Mindfulness & The Nervous System

Name two ways you can Identify Skills / Attributes?

●From personal achievements

●A happy role you’ve occupied

●A peak experience

●Skills inventory

●Ask your friends


Name three job search platform.

1. Indeed

2. Job Bank

3. Monster

4. Other (CareerBeacon, etc.)


What is online presence?

An online presence is any existence of an individual or business that can be found via an online search.


Name 3 ways you can relief stress.

1. Practice yoga

2. Meditation

3. Take a walk

4. Take deep breathes

5. Do a body scan



Explain the growth mindset.

The belief that intelligence can be trained and that most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

EX : I can improve my skills with effort and practice. 

EX 2 : I appreciate when people give me feedback. It helps me learn and grow. 


Before an interview you should...

1. Research the company

2. Prepare a set of questions

3. Print out physical copies of your resume

4. Dress for the role

5. Determine the fastest route to the interview

6. Practice commonly asked questions



Job Scam Warning quote.

If it's too good to be true… it probably is


The Art of Mindfulness is...

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what's going on around us.


What are the three types of skills?

1. Personal Skills

2. Transferable Skills

3. Job Specific Skills


The Government of Canada recommends that you do not provide personal or sensitive information in your resume or in interviews. Name 3 sensitive information you should not provide.

1. your Social Insurance Number

2. your age, marital status, birth date, religion

3. your ID or driver's license number

4. your health card number

5. any banking or financial information


Before you post online what should you ask yourself?

Is this something I would be okay with anyone seeing?


Name possible stress factors. (at least 3)

❏Sleep difficulties 

❏Loss of appetite


❏Poor concentration

❏Poor memory retention

❏Dip in performance

❏Uncharacteristic Errors

❏Missed deadlines

❏Anger  or Emotional  outbursts

❏Alcohol or drug abuse

❏Nervous habits

❏High level of irritation

❏Low sense of empathy

❏Being inconsiderate

❏Sadness and/or hopelessness


Why do people work (other than money)?

1.Feeling productive

2.Building Self-Esteem

3.Wanting to Contribute

4.Our Interests


After an interview you should follow up with a potential employer by sending a ......... within ....... days.

After an interview you should follow up with a potential employer by sending a thank you note within 2 days.


The mission of LinkedIn...

Connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.


Explain the Fight, Flight, Freeze Response.

The fight, flight, or freeze response (also called hyperarousal, or the acute stress response) is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival.


What type of skills is self-management?

Self-Management is a Personal Skill.


2 ways to find motivation during job search?

1. Reflect on your goals

2. Create a routine

3. Use your support system

4. Practice balance

5. Keep track of achievements


Ways to declutter your digital life?

  1. Unsubscribe from everything you never read or use.
  2. Clear out your inbox – in a smart way. 
  3. Clean up your computer desktop.
  4. Uninstall any software you don't need.
  5. Delete the contents of your downloads folder. 
  6. Disable non-essential start-up programs.
  7. ETC.

What is neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity – or brain plasticity – is the ability of the brain to modify its connections or re-wire itself. Without this ability, any brain, not just the human brain, would be unable to develop from infancy through to adulthood or recover from brain injury.
