This is a classic fundraising method that can be held at a school, church, or other places in the community. For this team fundraising idea, it is best for your goodies to be donated.
Bake Sale
In Riverdale who plays Jughead Jones?
Cole Sprouse
What country won the first World Cup?
What is the oldest board game in America?
Fundraising does not have to stop, when the event starts. What kinds of actions can teams participate in to continue their fundraising efforts? (Hint: there can be multiple right answers)
collecting donations for food, goods, games, and other activities
In season 1 of Stranger Things who goes missing?
In the game Cricket how many players are on the field?
This board game was originally known as “The Landlord’s Game”
This social media platform is the largest and most widely used site in the world; many people post their fundraisers to their page. What social media site is this?
In Outer banks what is the nickname that John B’s Dad gave to him?
Who won the Little League World series last year in 2019?
Eastbank Louisiana
This most popular board game of all time includes the capturing of the fairlady Queen.
A tradition at Relay for Life of Northern Ocean County is to have male participants dress up as females and walk around asking for donations. What is this tradition called?
Miss Relay Pageant
In 13 Reasons Why what color nail polish does Hannah use to number the cassettes?
What NFL team has the most superbowl wins?(Give one of the teams)
Steelers or Patriots
An abstract strategy board game for two to four players, where players try to score points by occupying most of the board with pieces of their colour. It was invented by Bernard Tavitian and first released in 2000 by Sekkoïa, a French company.